

Sport Marketing 4th Edition With Web Study Guide

ISBN: 9781450424981

Autores: Bernard Mullin, Stephen Hardy, William Sutton


Número de Páginas: 504

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Sport Marketing, Fourth Edition With Web Study Guide, has been streamlined and updated to keep pace with the latest information and issues in the competitive world of sport marketing. This text maintains its position as the best-selling and original text in the field, continuing to direct students to a better understanding of the theoretical backbone that makes sport marketing such a unique and vibrant subject to study. Using the new full-color format and companion web study guide, students will stay engaged as they explore how fans, players, coaches, the media, and companies interact to drive the sport industry.

Heavily updated with more contributions from industry professionals and emphasis on social media platforms that have revolutionized the field in recent years, this edition contains practical material that prepares students for careers in sport marketing. It also includes these updates:

A web study guide featuring exclusive video interviews with industry professionals and accompanying activities that tie core concepts and strategies from the book into applied situations
Instructor ancillaries enhanced by gradable chapter quizzes that can be used with learning management systems
An attractive and engaging full-color interior
Chapter objectives, opening scenarios, engaging sidebars, and photos throughout the text that guide students in grasping important concepts
Wrap-Up, Activities, and Your Marketing Plan sections at the end of each chapter that offer opportunities for self-assessment and review

The highly respected authors have long been recognized for their ability to define this exciting field, combining academic study and current research with industry experience for an unmatched learning experience for students preparing to enter the working world. The content in this fourth edition of Sport Marketing has been reorganized to make it easier to use in the classroom. Chapters 1 through 3 provide an overview of the field of sport marketing as an area of study and profession. Chapters 4 and 5 teach students how to research and study the behaviors of sport consumers, including an overview of marketing segmentation. Chapters 6 through 13 provide extensive information on the nuts and bolts of the field, including the five Ps of sport marketing and special sections on branding, sales and service, engagement and activation, community relations, and social media. The final chapters explore legal issues, integration, and the future of sport marketing.

Instructors may also take advantage of the student web study guide and complete package of ancillaries to enhance learning and presentation of core concepts. All materials, including the web study guide, instructor guide, test package, presentation package plus image bank, and LMS-compatible chapter quizzes,are available online.

The world of sport marketing continues to evolve. Sport Marketing, Fourth Edition With Web Study Guide, offers students a complete view of the expansive field of sport, providing an understanding of the foundations of sport marketing and how to enhance the sport experience.
Chapter 1. The Special Nature of Sport Marketing
The NBA and Global Marketing Strategy
Weathering Recessions
The Competitive Marketplace
Sport Marketing Defined
Marketing Myopia in Sport
Change in the Profession
Uniqueness of Sport Marketing
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 2. Strategic Marketing Management
Sport Strategy Is More Than Locker Room Talk
Marketing Planning Process
Strategic Step 1: Develop Vision, Position, and Purpose
Strategic Step 2: Develop Strategic Goals and Objectives
Strategic Step 3: Develop a Ticket Marketing Sales and Service Plan
Strategic Step 4: Integrate the Marketing Plan Into a Broader, Strategic Resource Allocation
Strategic Step 5: Control and Evaluate Implementation of the Plan
Eight-Point Ticket Marketing, Sales, and Service Plan Model
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 3. Understanding the Sport Consumer
Socialization, Involvement, and Commitment
Environmental Factors
Individual Factors
Decision Making
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 4. Market Research in the Sports Industry
Sources of Information
Users of Market Research in Sport and Entertainment
Application of Market Research in the Sport Industry
Performing the Right Research
Your Marketing Plan
Chapter 5. Market Segmentation
What Is Market Segmentation?
Four Bases of Segmentation
Integrated Segmentation Strategies and Tactics
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 6. The Sport Product
What Is the Sport Product?
The Sport Product: Its Core and Extensions
Grassroots Ideas
Key Issues in Sport Product Strategy
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 7. Managing Sport Brands
What Is Branding?
Importance of Brand Equity
Benefits of Brand Equity
How Brand Equity Is Developed
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 8. Sales and Service
Relationship Between Media, Sponsors, and Fans and the Sales Process
What Is Sales?
Direct Data-Based Sport Marketing and Sales
Typical Sales Approaches Used in Sport
Pricing Basics
Secondary Ticket Market
Aftermarketing, Lifetime Value, and the Importance of Retaining Customers
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 9. Sponsorship, Corporate Partnerships, and the Role of Activation
What Is Sponsorship?
Sponsorship in the Marketing Mix
Growth of Sponsorship
What Does Sport Sponsorship Have to Offer?
Corporate Objectives
Sponsor Activation
Selling Sponsorships
Ethical Issues in Sponsorship
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 10. Promotion and Paid Media
The Catchall P: Promotion
Advertising Media for Sport
Promotional Concepts and Practices
Promotional Components
Ultimate Goal: Keeping Consumers on the Escalator and Moving Them Up
Putting It All Together: An Integrated Promotional Model
Your Marketing Plan
EndnotesChapter 11. Public Relations
What Is Public Relations?
Public Relations in the Sport Marketing Mix
Sport Public Relations in the Digital Age
Public Relations Functions
Sport, Television, and Entertainment Influence on Sport Public Relations
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 12. Social Media in Sports
What Is Social Media?
Building an Audience
Engaging Fans
Driving Behavior
Social Media Platforms
Avoiding Pitfalls
Leveraging Players and Talent
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 13. Delivering and Distributing Core Products and Extensions
Placing Core Products and Their Extensions
Theory of Sport and Place
Marketing Channels
Product-Place Matrix
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 14. Legal Aspects of Sport Marketing
Intellectual Property
Trademark Infringement
Copyright Law and Sport Marketing
Sport Marketing Communications Issues
Ambush Marketing
Right of Publicity and Invasion of Privacy
Contractual Issues Involving Consumers
Promotion Law Issues
Emerging Issues
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 15. Putting It All Together
Cross Effects Among the Five Ps
Controlling the Marketing Function
Your Marketing Plan

Chapter 16. The Shape of Things to Come
From Our Crystal Ball
From Our Crystal Ball Redux: By the Year 2020
Bernard J. Mullin, PhD, is chairman and CEO of the Aspire Group, a leading global management and marketing consulting business focusing on the sport and entertainment industry. He previously served as president and chief executive officer of Atlanta Spirit, LLC, where he was responsible for overseeing all team and business operations for the NBA's Hawks and NHL's Thrashers and management of the world-class Philips Arena.

Mullin has more than 30 years of experience in the sport management industry involving executive positions with professional teams and leagues, where he specializes in start-ups and turnarounds, breaking numerous all-time league ticket sales and attendance records. In addition to his position in Atlanta, Mullin served as the NBA’s senior vice president of marketing and team business operations, president and general manager of the IHL’s Denver Grizzlies, senior vice president of business operations for the Colorado Rockies, and senior vice president of business for the Pittsburgh Pirates. He has also acted as the owner’s representative on major design and construction projects, including Coors Field and University of Denver’s award-winning athletic facilities.

Stephen Hardy, PhD, was a professor of kinesiology and affiliate professor of history at the University of New Hampshire until his retirement in 2014. In 2003-2004, he served as interim vice provost for undergraduate studies. Hardy has also taught at the University of Massachusetts (where he earned his PhD), the University of Washington, Robert Morris College, and Carnegie Mellon University. Over three decades, he taught courses in sport marketing, athletic administration, and sport history as well as a popular introduction to the sport industry. Besides Sport Marketing, his publications include How Boston Played (1982, 2003) and numerous articles, book chapters, and reviews in academic presses. He is completing a coauthored history of ice hockey. His reviews and opinions have appeared in popular outlets such as the Boston Globe, New York Times, and Sports Business Journal. From 1995 to 1999, he was coeditor of Sport Marketing Quarterly.
William A. Sutton, EdD, is the founding director and professor at the sport and entertainment business management graduate program in the management department at the University of South Florida. He is the founder and principal of Bill Sutton & Associates, a consulting firm specializing in strategic marketing and revenue enhancement. Sutton has gained national recognition for his ability to meld practical experience in professional sports with academic analysis and interpretation.

His consulting clients cover a who’s who of professional athletics: the NBA, WNBA, NHL, Orlando Magic, Phoenix Suns, MSG Sports, and New York Mets. Sutton frequently serves as an expert on the sport business industry. His insights and commentary have appeared in USA Today, New York Times,, Washington Times, Fox Business, Orlando Sentinel, South Florida Sun-Sentinel, Advertising Age, and Brand Week. On the international front, Sutton is a contributor to the Italian publications Basketball Gigante and FIBA Assist.

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