

Research Methods and Design in Sport Management

ISBN: 9780736073851

Autores: Damon Andrew, Paul Pedersen, Chad McEvoy


Número de Páginas: 304

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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Research Methods and Design in Sport Management explains research design, implementation, analysis, and assessment criteria with a focus on specific procedures unique to the discipline of sport management. The text is an invaluable resource for students and practitioners in sport management because it focuses on applied research for organizational purposes and the qualitative and quantitative methodologies pertinent to the field of sport management.

Organized in four parts, Research Methods and Design in Sport Management begins with an introduction to concepts in sport management research and a discussion of the ethical issues associated with research projects. The text outlines the steps to the research process, making it an easy-to-use guide for professionals undertaking a research project as well as students writing major term papers, theses, or dissertations. Analysis of research design with discussion of specific methods used in qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research helps readers to determine and design the most appropriate research for their specific needs. This text teaches readers the following concepts and skills:

How to conduct a thorough literature review
Theoretical and conceptual frameworks to guide the research process
How to develop appropriate research questions and hypotheses
Techniques for conducting qualitative, quantitative, and mixed-methods research
Methods for analyzing data and reporting results

Multiple special elements in each chapter, including learning objectives, summaries, suggested advanced readings, and highlight boxes, guide readers through challenging concepts. A chapter dedicated to legal research in sport management provides a nonintimidating discussion of the unique elements evident in sport law research, such as legal precedence, case briefing, and special writing elements. Examples of published research in sport management illustrate ways in which various methodological tools and techniques can be used in answering research questions. Research in Action sections present excerpts from the Journal of Sport Management, which highlight research components mentioned in the text and assist students in learning how to read and evaluate research. In addition, all research examples provided throughout the text are specific to sport management, considering both sport industry settings and academic environments.

Research Methods and Design in Sport Management offers readers the tools to engage in the broad spectrum of research opportunities in the growing discipline of sport management. As accreditation in sport management becomes more prevalent, Research Methods and Design in Sport Management can assist students in gaining the knowledge and skills they need in order to compete in the job market and to contribute to their future careers. For professionals, the text offers tools to ensure the research they conduct and consume can accurately inform strategic business decisions.
Part I. Introduction to Research in Sport Management

Chapter 1. Research Concepts in Sport Management
Research Defined
Types of Research
Research Traditions

Chapter 2. Ethical Issues in Research
Protection of Human Subjects
Ethical Principles and Guidelines
Institutional Review Board
Informed Consent
Scientific Dishonesty

Part II. The Research Process

Chapter 3. Creation of Research Questions
Selection of a Topic
Reviewing the Literature
Development of a Conceptual Framework
Identification of Variables
Clarification of Hypotheses

Chapter 4. Research Design
Types of Research Designs
Determination of Sample Size
Sampling Strategies
Sampling Errors

Chapter 5. Data Collection and Analysis
Nonresponse Bias
Preparation of Data for Analysis
Levels of Measurement
Descriptive Statistics
Inferential Statistics
Choosing a Statistical Analysis Method
Drawing Conclusions

Chapter 6. Data Publication
Academic Conference Presentation
Academic Journal Selection
Research Article Structure
Journal Publication Process
Evaluating Journal Articles

Part III. Research Design in Sport Management

Chapter 7. Surveys
Internet Surveys
Design and Implementation
Types of Error
Data Collection
Data Analysis

Chapter 8. Interviews
Interview Process
Interview Techniques
Data Analysis

Chapter 9. Observation Research
Methodological Foundations
Observation Site and Observer Roles
Participant Observation in New Media
Data Collection
Field Notes
Data Analysis

Chapter 10. Case Study Research
Applied Research Advantages
Research vs. Teaching Case Studies
Design and Implementation
Research Preparation
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Case Study Report

Chapter 11. Historical Research
Academic Perspective
Practical Applications
Tools and Materials
Topic Selection
Source Material
Data Analysis
Historical Writing

Chapter 12. Legal Research
Qualities of Legal Research
Nature of the Law
Legal Research Techniques
Sources of Legal Information
Design and Implementation

Part IV. Statistical Methods in Sport Management

Chapter 13. Analyses of Structure
Importance of Reliability and Validity
Cronbach Alpha
Exploratory Factor Analysis and Principal Components Analysis
Confirmatory Factor Analysis

Chapter 14. Relationships Among Variables
Bivariate Correlation
Simple Linear Regression
Multiple Regression
Path Analysis

Chapter 15. Significance of Group Differences
Factorial ANOVA
Factorial ANCOVA
Factorial MANOVA
Factorial MANCOVA

Chapter 16. Prediction of Group Membership
Discriminant Analysis
Logistic Regression
Cluster Analysis
Damon Andrew, PhD, is a professor and dean at Troy University in the College of Health and Human Services, which includes the school of nursing; the department of human services, rehabilitation, and social work; the department of kinesiology and health promotion; and the department of athletic training education. His academic credentials include an associate’s degree from Jefferson Davis Community College, a bachelor’s degree in physical education and a master’s degree in exercise physiology from the University of South Alabama, two additional master’s degrees in biomechanics and sport management from the University of Florida, and a PhD in sport administration from Florida State University. Before assuming the decanal role at Troy University, Andrew directed University of Louisville’s doctoral program in sport administration and founded and directed a doctoral program in sport management at the University of Tennessee. He also taught at Florida State University, the University of Florida, and the University of South Alabama.

Paul M. Pedersen, PhD, is an associate professor of sport management and the director of the sport management doctoral program at Indiana University at Bloomington. Previously, Pedersen taught sport communication and management courses at several colleges and universities, including Bowling Green State University and Palm Beach Atlantic University. He received his PhD from Florida State University.

Founder and editor in chief of the International Journal of Sport Communication, Pedersen also serves as an editorial review board member of five national and international sport journals. He is a research fellow for the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), a member of the North American Society for Sport History (NASSH) and the European Association for Sport Management (EASM), and a charter member of the Sport Marketing Association (SMA).

Chad D. McEvoy, EdD, is an associate professor at Illinois State University, where he is the coordinator of the sport management graduate program. Before pursuing a career in academia, McEvoy worked in marketing and fundraising in intercollegiate athletics at Iowa State University and Western Michigan University. He has conducted research projects for clients at various levels of sport, including professional sport, intercollegiate athletics, Olympic sport, and sport agency organizations.

McEvoy holds a doctoral degree from the University of Northern Colorado, a master’s degree from the University of Massachusetts, and a bachelor’s degree from Iowa State University, each in sport management and administration. His research interests focus on revenue generation in commercialized spectator sport settings. McEvoy has published articles in the Journal of Sport Management, Sport Management Review, Sport Marketing Quarterly, and International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing. His research has been featured in numerous media stories and interviews appearing in Wall Street Journal,,, Chicago Tribune, Philadelphia Inquirer, Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Portland Oregonian, and Kansas City Star. McEvoy appeared as a panelist before the prestigious Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics in 2008, and he is currently coeditor of the Journal of Issues in Intercollegiate Athletics.

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