

Metal Fabrication Technology for Agriculture 2e

ISBN: 9781435498570

Autor: Larry Jeffus

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 580

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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METAL FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE, 2E provides your students with an easy-to-understand, safety-conscious introduction to agricultural welding processes and techniques. Each section of this full-color book begins by introducing your students to equipment and materials used in agricultural welding and includes complete setup instructions. The subsequent chapters in each section allow your students to learn individual welding techniques in various applications and positions. METAL FABRICATION TECHNOLOGY FOR AGRICULTURE, 2E provides extensive coverage of brazing and specialized nonmetallic fabrication, designed to lead your students step-by-step in developing the skills necessary for welding all types of agricultural machinery. Each chapter includes close up shots of actual welds and learning aids that have been proven to be effective, making this how-to and reference manual a key resource for students participating in agriculture education programs throughout the country.


Contains experiments that allow students to develop new, hands-on skills while gaining an understanding of the parameters of each welding process discussed in the book.
Includes practices that provide opportunities for your students to fine-tune their skills using different materials and different material thicknesses in a variety of positions.
Provides maximum flexibility with stand-alone chapters that enable students to pick and choose topics for study based on their particular needs or interests.
Covers fabricating, layout, assembly, and finishing techniques, allowing students to put their welding skills to practical use.
1. Introduction to Agricultural Welding and Fabrication.
2. Safety in Welding and Fabrication.
3. Oxyfuel Welding and Cutting Equipment, Setup, and Operation.
4. Oxyacetylene Welding.
5. Soldering and Brazing.
6. Oxyacetylene Cutting.
7. Plasma Arc Cutting.
8. Shielded Metal Arc Equipment, Setup, and Operations.
9. Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Plate.
10. Shielded Metal Arc Welding of Pipe.
11. Gas Metal Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation.
12. Gas Metal Arc Welding.
13. Flux Cored Arc Welding Equipment, Setup, and Operation.
14. Flux Cored Arc Welding.
15. Filler Metal Selection.
16. Weldability of Metals.
17. Welding Joint Design, Welding Symbols, and Fabrication.
18. Plastic and Other Nonmetallic Fabrication Techniques.
Larry Jeffus
Larry F. Jeffus has over forty years experience as a dedicated classroom teacher and is the author of several Delmar Cengage Learning welding publications. Prior to retiring from teaching, Professor Jeffus taught at Eastfield College, part of the Dallas County Community College District. Since retiring from full-time teaching, he remains very active in the welding community, especially in the field of education. He serves on several welding program technical advisory committees and has visited high school, college, and technical campuses in more than forty states and four foreign countries. Professor Jeffus was selected as Outstanding Post-Secondary Technical Educator in the State of Texas by the Texas Technical Society. Professor Jeffus has served for six years as a board member on the Texas Workforce Investment Council in the Texas Governor's office where he works to develop a skilled workforce and bring economic development to the state. He is a member of the Apprenticeship Project Leadership Team where he helps establish apprenticeship training programs for Texas, and he has made numerous trips to Washington lobbying for vocational and technical education. Larry F. Jeffus holds a Bachelor of Science Degree and has completed post graduate studies.

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