

Managing Indoor Air Quality, 5th edition

ISBN: 9781439870143

Autores: H.E. Burroughs, Shirley J. Hansen


Número de Páginas: 360

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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This newly revised and updated practical desk reference is structured to serve as a guide and information resource-both on treating existing indoor air problems effectively, and on preventing costly IAQ problems from occurring in the first place. Finding solutions to indoor air quality problems is often a complex, multi-disciplined endeavor. A single discipline approach from the environmental engineer, the industrial hygienist, or the medical doctor, unfortunately tends to narrow both the control and the treatment options. This book cuts across these professions to offer those concerned with the total facility, a broader, more comprehensive approach to managing indoor air quality and mitigating indoor air quality problems. Topics covered also include updated ASHRAE standards and information, expanded discussion of greening and sustainability, building security and mold-related issues, current diagnostics and remediation practices, and the latest information on filtering.
1 - Indoor Air Quality: An Overview – Where Are We?
2 - Indoor Air Quality in Retrospect: How Did We Get Here?
3 - Classifying Indoor Air Problems: What Kind & How Big a Problem Do We Have?
4 - Investigating Indoor Air Quality Problems: How to find Out What Went Wrong
5 - Controlling Indoor Air Problems: How to Keep the Building Working Well
6 - The Thermal Environment: An Internal Habitat
7 - HVAC: The Heart of the System
8 - Filtration: Understanding an Underutilized Asset
9 - Building Security & Safety: Readying Your Building for "Extraordinary" Environmental Stress
10 - Operations & Maintenance: An Ounce of Prevention
11 - Management Procedures: The Soft Side of IAQ Success
12 - What "They" Say: from Whence Does My Help Cometh?
Appendices, Index
H.E. Burroughs, C.I.A.Q.P.
Shirley J. Hansen, Ph.D.

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