

Introduction to Sport Law With Case Studies in Sport Law-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9781450457002

Autores: John O. Spengler, Paul Anderson, Dan Connaughton, Thomas Baker


Número de Páginas: 304

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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Introduction to Sport Law With Case Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, provides students with comprehensive information on the fundamental legal issues in sport and sport management using a jargon-free approach that is accessible to readers with little or no legal background. The content covers legal and management matters most commonly found in sport management, including liability issues, protecting the legal rights of athletes and employees, and managing legal risk. These texts contain straightforward examples and case studies that deliver timely information to ground sport law theory in practical applications.

Fully updated and expanded, Introduction to Sport Law, Second Edition, helps students understand the types of law that are most relevant to sport management professionals. New references and updated court cases throughout the text allow students to see laws and issues from a contemporary point of view to further their comprehension. A new chapter on labor law adds a current perspective for students and sport management professionals.

Introduction to Sport Law, Second Edition, is organized in a progressive way that takes into account all law categories relevant to sport management. The text presents an overview of the United States legal system, including the court system, the various types of law, and legal resources. It then explores important topics, including labor law, risk management, employment law, gender equity, intellectual property, agency law, tort law, constitutional law, antitrust law, and contract law.

Each chapter provides students with unique insight on the law at hand, examining its relevance from the perspective of both sport management and law professionals, and provides an understanding of its real-world application. Objectives and a glossary of terms to assist students with comprehension and knowledge retention are included in each chapter, and many examples are used to assist in grounding the theory. In the Courtroom sidebars present discussion questions, comprehension checks, and applied perspectives, while Moot Court Cases give students an opportunity to debate hypothetical scenarios and apply principles that they have recently learned to conceptualize the technicalities of sport law.

Students also gain access to the e-book Case Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, by Andrew T. Pittman, John O. Spengler, and Sarah J. Young. This companion resource features abridged versions of 87 court cases that represent many of the multifaceted aspects of sport law, including antitrust law, constitutional law, contract law, employment law, intellectual property, products liability, statutory law, Title IX, and tort law. The relevant cases are noted in each chapter of the text and are followed by review questions that can test student comprehension, be used for review, and prompt in-class discussions. Instructors will find answers to these review questions in the instructor guide, along with a test package and presentation package to assist with course preparation.

Introduction to Sport Law With Cases Studies in Sport Law, Second Edition, presents a comprehensive examination of legal issues in sport. Through its focus on legal concepts with direct application to the sport manager’s role and a presentation devoid of legalese, this text provides readers with the information they need in order to feel confident with the fundamentals of sport law.
Chapter 1. U.S. Legal System
Sources of U.S. Law
U.S. Court System
Types of U.S. Law
Legal Resources
Chapter 2. Tort Law and Product Liability
Intentional Torts
Product Liability
Chapter 3. Risk Management
Perspectives on Approaching Risk Management
Risk Management Process
Chapter 4. Agency Law
Sport Agents
Principals of Agency Law
Regulation of Athlete Agents
Chapter 5. Contract Law
Basics of Contract Law
Sport Contracts
Contract Law Issues
Chapter 6. Employment Law
Employment Relationship
Sexual Harassment
Federal Employment Laws
Chapter 7. Constitutional Law
First Amendment
Fourteenth Amendment
Fifth Amendment
SummaryChapter 8. Gender Equity
Title IX
Sexual Harassment
Employment Discrimination
Chapter 9. Intellectual Property Law
Trademark Law
Copyright Law
Right of Publicity
Patent Law
Ambush Marketing
Chapter 10. Antitrust Law
Federal Antitrust Laws
Application to Professional Team Sports
Application to Individual Performer Sports
Application to University Sports
Chapter 11. Labor Law
John O. Spengler, JD, PhD, is a professor and director of the University of Florida’s Sport Policy and Research Collaborative. Spengler received his bachelor’s degree from Wake Forest University, his law degree from the University of Toledo, and his PhD from Indiana University. His research focuses on legal and policy issues relevant to sport and recreation, obesity prevention and physical activity, and structural environmental factors (social and physical) that influence health. Spengler’s research has been funded by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation to study policies relevant to improving opportunities for physical activity. He is a volunteer with the American Heart Association, where his research has informed AHA policy and advocacy efforts at the state and national level to improve community health through physical activity.

Paul M. Anderson, JD, is the associate director of the National Sports Law Institute of Marquette University Law School in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. He is also associate director and professor in the sport law program at Marquette University Law School, the most comprehensive and advanced sport law program in the world. He has taught, written, and consulted on all areas of sport law for the past two decades.

As part of his role in the National Sports Law Institute, Anderson researches all areas of sport law and coordinates multiple publications for the sport industry, including annual surveys devoted to developments in the field. He has written numerous books, book chapters, articles, and other publications related to various areas of sport law. In his law practice, Anderson has represented many clients in the sport industry.

Daniel P. Connaughton, EdD, is a professor in the sport management program and an associate dean in the College of Health and Human Performance at the University of Florida. His teaching and research are focused on the study of law and risk management in sport and physical activity programs.

A frequent conference presenter and author of many publications, Connaughton has received several teaching and research awards. The American Heart Association has funded his research investigating implementation constraints and risk management practices related to automated external defibrillators in sport and recreation programs. Since 2008 he has served as the principal investigator of the Bicycle Safety and Risk Management Project, which is funded by the Florida Department of Transportation Safety Office. Connaughton is a research fellow with the Sport and Recreation Law Association and Research Consortium of SHAPE America.

Thomas A. Baker III, JD, PhD, is a commercial litigator turned associate professor in the sport management and policy program at the University of Georgia. He conducts research in sport management that focuses on the application of the law to sport. Within that focus he specializes in how commercial laws influence sport marketing, such as legal issues concerning brand management and the use of social media in sport marketing. Additionally, he conducts risk management research focused on preventing sexual abuse in sport, and terrorism management at sports facilities.

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