

Fundamentals of Sport Management

ISBN: 9780736091084

Autores: Robert Baker, Craig Esherick


Número de Páginas: 264

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2013

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Fundamentals of Sport Management presents foundational knowledge of sport management and what sport managers do to help readers prepare for advanced study or practice in the field. An excellent reference for students or professionals, Fundamentals of Sport Management offers insights into the exciting field, the impact of the sport industry, and the possibilities for employment in sport.

Written by an author team with experience in both the academic world and sport industry, Fundamentals of Sport Management combines introductory concepts with practical information in sport management. The text begins with a discussion of the origins and development of the field, professional associations, essential components of professional preparation, and potential paths to employment. The various chapters in the text cover everything from managerial principles and sport policy to marketing, economics, and ethics in sport. By presenting an overview of the areas involved in sport management, the text allows readers to focus their efforts to prepare for further study, research, and career opportunities.
Part I. Welcome to Sport Management
Chapter 1. What Is Sport Management?
Origins in Physical Education, Athletics, and Business
Sport Management: 1900 to 1965
Sport Management: 1966 to 1979
Sport Management: 1980 to 1999
Sport Management: 2000 and Beyond—Current Status
Professional Preparation in Sport Management
Professional Associations in Sport Management
The Short of It

Chapter 2. What Can I Do With Sport Management?
Careers in Sport Management
Paths to Employment
Professional Preparation for a Sport Management Career
Professional Development in Sport Management
The Short of It

Part II. Building Blocks of Sport Management
Chapter 3. Sport Management Principles and Functions
Organizations in Sport
Management Functions
Universality of Management
Skills, Roles, and Responsibilities of Managers
The Short of It

Chapter 4. Leadership in Sport Organizations
Leadership Versus Management
The ABCs of Sport Leadership: Antecedents, Best Practices, and Consequences
Antecedents of Leadership
Sport Organizations as Systems
Best Practices: The Art and Science of Leadership
Consequences of Leadership
The Short of It

Chapter 5. Sport Policy and Governance
What Is Good Governance?
What Is Governance in Sport?
Governance of High School Sport
Governance of Collegiate Athletics
Governance of Professional Sport
The Short of It

Chapter 6. Sport Venues, Event Management and Building Operations
Event Management, Risk Management, and Crowd Control
The Short of It

Chapter 7. Sport Law
The U.S. Legal System
U.S. Tort Law
U.S. Contract Law
Title IX
Intellectual Property
Dispute Resolution—Negotiation, Mediation, Arbitration, and Litigation
The Short of It

Chapter 8. Sport Marketing
The Marketing Mix
What’s Unique About Sport Marketing?
Sport Marketing Plans
The Short of It

Chapter 9. Sport Media
History of Media in Sport
Traditional Media in the 21st Century
New Media
Ethics and Sport Media
The Short of It

Chapter 10. Sport Economics
Macro- and Microeconomics
The Economics of Sport Leagues
The Economics of College Athletics
Outside Influences That Affect Sport Economies
The Short of It

Chapter 11. Sport Finance
Accounting 101
Interscholastic Sport Finance
Intercollegiate Sport Finance
Finance in Professional Sport
The Short of It

Chapter 12. Ethics in Sport Management
Theoretical Foundations
Ethical Decision Making
Ethical Challenges in Sport Management
The Short of It
Robert E. Baker, EdD, is an associate professor, the coordinator of sport management, and the founding director of the Center for Sport Management at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Baker has decades of experience working in the sport industry and more than 13 years in higher education. Baker, along with coauthor Craig Esherick and Dr. Pamela Hudson Baker, works in conjunction with the U.S. Department of State on the implementation of projects using sport for development, peace, and diplomatic purposes.

In 2011 Baker received the Outstanding Achievement in Sport Management Award from the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE). In 2010 he was the recipient of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM) Distinguished Sport Management Educator Award. Baker served on the inaugural board of the Commission on Sport Management Accreditation (COSMA) and on several editorial boards. He has also served as president of NASSM.

Baker is a sports enthusiast who also enjoys travel and classic cars. He and his wife, Pamela, reside in Haymarket, Virginia.

Craig Esherick, JD, is an assistant professor of sport management and associate director of the Center for Sport Management at George Mason University in Fairfax, Virginia. Esherick has a varied background in the sport industry, having spent 25 years coaching basketball at various levels, including serving as a high school assistant coach, an assistant coach for the 1988 Olympic team, and the head coach at Georgetown University. He also has worked as a television sports commentator and has taught in the field of sport management since 2005.

Fundamentals of Sport Management is Esherick’s second book. He is a member of the North American Society for Sport Management (NASSM), the National Association of Basketball Coaches, and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists. Esherick earned a bachelor’s degree in finance in 1978 and a degree in law in 1982 from Georgetown University.

He lives with his wife, Theo Stamos, and two sons, Nicko and Zachary, in Arlington, Virginia. In his free time he enjoys playing golf, gardening, and reading.

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