

Fundamentals of Food Process Engineering

ISBN: 9783030079338

Autores: Romeo T. Toledo, Rakesh K. Singh, Fanbin Kong

Editora: Springer

Número de Páginas: 449

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2019

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Written for the upper level undergraduate, this updated book is also a solid reference for the graduate food engineering student and professional. This edition features the addition of sections on freezing, pumps, the use of chemical reaction kinetic date for thermal process optimization, and vacuum belt drying. New sections on accurate temperature measurements, microbiological inactivation curves, inactivation of microorganisms and enzymes, pasteurization, and entrainment are included, as are non-linear curve fitting and processes dependent on fluid film thickness. Other sections have been expanded.
Units and Dimensions.- Material Balances.- Gases and Vapors.- Energy Balances.- Flow of Fluids.- Heat Transfer.- Kinetics of Chemical Reactions in Foods.- Thermal Process Calculations.- Aseptic Processing.- Refrigeration.- Evaporation.- Dehydration.- Physical Separation Processes.- Emerging Food Processing Technologies.
Romeo T. Toledo, Ph.D. is Emeritus Professor; Rakesh K. Singh, Ph.D. is Professor and Head; and Fan-bin Kong, Ph.D. is Associate Professor, in the Department of Food Science and Technology at the University of Georgia, Athens.

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