

Computational Methods for Fluid Dynamics - 3rd ed.

ISBN: 9783540420743

Autores: Joel H. Ferziger, Milovan Peric

Editora: Springer

Número de Páginas: 423

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2002

62,91 €69,90 €
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In its 3rd revised and extended edition the book offers an overview of the techniques used to solve problems in fluid mechanics on computers and describes in detail those most often used in practice. Included are advanced methods in computational fluid dynamics, like direct and large-eddy simulation of turbulence, multigrid methods, parallel computing, moving grids, structured, block-structured and unstructured boundary-fitted grids, free surface flows. The 3rd edition contains a new section dealing with grid quality and an extended description of discretization methods. The book shows common roots and basic principles for many different methods. The book also contains a great deal of practical advice for code developers and users; it is designed to be equally useful to beginners and experts.The issues of numerical accuracy, estimation and reduction of numerical errors are dealt with in detail, with many examples.
- Basic Concepts of Fluid Flow.
- Introduction to Numerical Methods.
- Finite Difference Methods.
- Finite Volume Methods.
- Solution of Linear Equation Systems.
- Methods for Unsteady Problems.
- Solution of the Navier-Stokes Equations.
- Complex Geometries.
- Turbulent Flows.
- Compressible Flow.
- Efficiency and Accuracy Improvement.
- Special Topics.
Joel H. Ferziger
Milovan Peric

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