

Wind Power - Renewable Energy for Home, Farm and Business

ISBN: 9781902916545

Autor: Paul Gipe


Número de Páginas: 496

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2004

94,45 €104,94 €
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Wind energy today is a booming worldwide industry. The technology has truly come of age, with better, more reliable machinery and a greater understanding of how and where wind power makes sense - from the independent developer to the grid-connected utility-wide perspective. Heightened concerns about our ravaged environment and our dependence on dwindling fossil fuels have stimulated a resurgence of interest in wind energy - an abundant and renewable resource.

Wind Power is a completely revised and expanded edition of Paul Gipe's definitive 1993 book Wind Power for Home and Business. In addition to expanded sections on gauging wind resources and siting wind turbines, this edition includes new examples and case studies of successful wind systems, international sources for new and used equipment, and hundreds of colour photographs and illustrations.

'Paul Gipe's Wind Power is a must for everybody who's involved in the wind energy sector - or wants to be involved in the future. The reader will get a comprehensive overview of one of the most important energy technologies to save the world's climate: wind energy'
Sven Teske, Renewable Energy Director, Greenpeace

'This is THE definitive book on wind energy, beautifully, logically organized, with a great wealth of pictures, charts, graphs, formulas, cautionary tales, and a lifetime of knowledge'
Doug Pratt, Technical Editor, Real Goods

'If you're considering your own machine or investing in a wind company, or if you want to understand wind's rebirth, Wind Power is a must'
Paul P Craig, Professor Emeritus of Engineering, University of California at Davis; Chairman, Sierra Club National Energy Committee, 2000-2003

- Acknowledgements

- Introduction

- Applications - How to Use the Wind

- Measuring the Wind

- Estimating Output - How Much to Expect

- Economics - Does Wind Pay?

- Evaluating the Technology - What Works and What Doesn't

- Towers

- Cutting Costs, Not Corners

- Buying a Wind System

- Interconnection with the Utility

- Off-the-grid Power Systems

- Pumping Water

- Siting

- Installation

- Operation, Performance and Maintenance

- Safety

- Looking to the Future



Glossary of Wind Energy Technology
The World Renewable Energy Congress named Paul Gipe a 'pioneer in renewable energy' in 1998. Since the mid-1970s, Gipe's award-winning research, writing, and advocacy have had a profound impact on the development and public perception of wind power. He is also the author of Wind Energy Basics (Chelsea Green, 1999) and Wind Energy comes of Age. He lives in Bakersfield, California.

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