

WIE Signals and Systems, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780471378518

Autor: Haykin

Editora: WILEY.

Número de Páginas: 816

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2003

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The book provides a balanced and integrated treatment of continuous-time and discrete-time forms of signals and systems intended to reflect their roles in engineering practice. This approach has the pedagogical advantage of helping the reader see the fundamental similarities and differences between discrete-time and continuous-time representations. It includes a discussion of filtering, modulation and feedback by building on the fundamentals of signals and systems covered in earlier chapters of the book.
Chapter 1. Introduction. Chapter 2. Time-Domain Representations of Linear Time-Invariant Systems. Chapter 3. Fourier Representations of Signals and Linear Time Invariant Systems. Chapter 4. Applications of Fourier Representations to Mixed Signal Classes. Chapter 5. Application to Communication Systems. Chapter 6. Representing Signals by Using Continuous-Time Complex Exponentials: The Laplace Transform. Chapter 7. Representing Signals by Using Discrete-Time Complex Exponentials: The z-Transform. Chapter 8. Application to Filters and Equalizers. Chapter 9. Application to Linear Feedback Systems. Chapter 10. Epilogue. Appendix A: Selected Mathematical Identities. Appendix B: Partial-Fraction Expansions. Appendix C: Tables of Fourier Representations and Properties. Appendix D: Tables of Laplace Transforms and Properties. Appendix E: Tables of z-Transforms and Properties. Appendix F: Introduction to MATLAB. Index.


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