

Weight Training-4th Edition

ISBN: 9781450411684

Autores: Thomas R. Baechle, Roger W. Earle


Número de Páginas: 240

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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Take the guesswork out of strength training and understand the details of proper exercise technique, weight loads, and reps. The no-nonsense approach of Weight Training: Steps to Success has guided more than 200,000 readers to their strength training goals and it will do the same for you.

Combining the experience of strength and conditioning experts Thomas Baechle and Roger Earle, this guide will maximize your development with a progressive approach to weight training using either free weights or machines. Learn which exercises target which muscles and how to perform each one correctly and safely. Gain insight on how to eat smart to maximize results and follow the step-by-step directions to calculate safe training loads and design an overall training program that fits your interests and training preferences.

Whether your goal is to improve muscular endurance, build strength, increase muscle mass, tone existing muscles, or reduce body fat, Weight Training: Steps to Success will help you be successful. With more than 30 exercises, each explained and demonstrated through full-color photo sequences, along with guidance on how to approach introductory workouts and create a tailored training program, it’s no wonder this is the book that thousands will use to develop a strong, healthy, and attractive body.
STEP 1: Learning about Equipment and Its Proper Use
STEP 2: Mastering Stretching, Lifting, and Spotting Skills
STEP 3: Learning How to Select Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 4: Selecting Chest Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 5: Selecting Back Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 6: Selecting Shoulder Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 7: Selecting Upper Arm Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 8: Selecting Leg Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 9: Selecting Core Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 10: Selecting Total-Body Exercises and Training Loads
STEP 11: Completing Your First Workout
STEP 12: Applying Program Design Principles
STEP 13: Learning How to Manipulate Training Variables to Maximize Results
STEP 14: Designing Your Own Program
Thomas R. Baechle, EdD, CSCS,*D-R, NSCA-CPT,*D-R, competed in Olympic-style weightlifting and powerlifting and was a weight training instructor and a strength and conditioning coach for 20 years. Currently he is a professor and chair of the exercise science department at Creighton University, where he directed phase III cardiac rehabilitation for 16 years. He is a cofounder and past president of the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) and for 20 years he was the executive director of the NSCA Certification Commission.

Roger W. Earle, MA, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, is the Higher Education and Professional Division director for Human Kinetics. In this role, he oversees the content and the process of acquiring books and online courses in the physical activity field. He is also the head sport training coach for Threshold Sports Training, a comprehensive performance training business.

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