

Weed Seedlings - A Colour Atlas

ISBN: 9781840760385

Autores: John B. Williams, John B.R. Morrison

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 96

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2003

15,75 €17,50 €
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Early recognition and control of weeds invariably leads to considerable savings in the cost of herbicides used on crops and in gardens. This atlas is an indispensable full colour photographic guide to the 40 most common weeds afflicting arable farmland and gardens. The weeds have all be photographed at cotyledon and seedling stage to permit early identification and control. Accompanying line drawings highlight major features and calendar germination and flowering times.


1.Five questions about a weed seedling

2.Cotyledons: quick guide

3.Young plants: quick guide


• Cleavers

• Ivy-leaved Speedwell

• Charlock

• Runch

• Nipplewort

• Pineappleweed

• Scentless Mayweed

• Parsley-piert

• Shepherd's-purse

• Common Poppy

• Common Chickweed

• Black-bindweed

• Knotgrass

• Redshank

• Pale Persicaria

• Common Fumitory

• Fat-hen

• Common Orache

• Corn Marigold

• Field Penny-cress

• Corn Spurrey

• Black Nightshade

• Common Field-speedwell

• Field Pansy

• Scarlet Pimpernel

• Small Nettle

• Dove's-foot

• Crane's-bill

• Henbit Dead-nettle

• Red Dead-nettle

• Common Hemp-nettle

• Groundsel

• Field Forget-me-not

• Petty Spurge

• Fool's Parsley

• Sow-thistles

• Tare

• Vetch

• Willowherbs

• Hairy Bitter-cress

• Docks

• Dandelion


John B. Williams
Agricultural Development and Advisory Service, UK

John B.R. Morrison
Harpenden Laboratory, UK

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