

Water and Wastewater Calculations Manual

ISBN: 9780071476249

Autor: Shundar Lin


Número de Páginas: 854

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2001

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This book has been written to be used as a resource for profesionals specializing in water and wastewater. Attempts are made to present the basic principles and concepts used in the field of environmental engineering and examples are given to illustrate each of the subjects covered.

Chapter 1 comprises calculations for river and stream waters. Stream sanitation was well developed for assessing the waste assimilating capacity of streams by the mid-twentieth century.Dissolved oxygen and biochemical oxygen demand in streams and rivers are comprehensively illustrated. Stream biological indexes also are included.

Chapter 2 is a compilation of adopted methods and documented research. Hydrological, nutrient, and sediment budgets and evaporation are presented for reservoir and lake waters. Phases 1, 2, and 3 of the Clean Lakes Program are discussed. Techniquesfor the classification of lake water quality, assessing lake trophic state index, and lake use-support are presented.

Calculations for groundwater are given in Chapter 3. They include hydrogeologic parameters, groundwater hydrology, flows in aquifers, pumping and its influence zone, groundwater contamination, and setback zones.

Hydraulics for environmental engeneering is included in Chapter 4. This chapter covers fluid (water) properties and definitions, hydrostatics, fundamental concepts of water flow in pipes, weirs, orifices, and in open channel, and of flow measurements. Pipe networks for water supply distribution systems, and hydraulics for water and wastewater treatment plants, are included.

Chapters 5 and 6 cover each unit process for drinking water treatment ans wastewater treatment, respectively. Precipitation and run-off, stormwater management, sewer systems, and pumping stations are also included in Chapter 6.

Chapter 1. Streams and Rivers
Chapter 2. Lakes and Reservoirs
Chapter 3. Groundwater
Chapter 4. Fundamental and Treatment Plant Hydraulics
Chapter 5. Public Water Supply
Chapter 6. Wastewater Engineering
Appendix A - Illinois Environmental Protection Agency's Macroinvertebrate Tolerance List
Appendix B - Well Function for Confined Aquifers
Appendix C - Solubility Product Constants for Solution at or near Room Temperature
Appendix D - Freundlich Adsorption Isotherm Constants for Toxic Organic Compounds
Appendix E - Factors for Conversion
Shundar Lin is a retired sanitary engineer residenting in Peoria, Illinois. Dr. Lin received his Sanitary Engineering from Syracuse University and holds an M.S. in Sanitary Engineering from the University of Cincinnati and a B.S. in Civil Engineering from the National Taiwan University.

In 1986 Dr.Lin received the Water Quality Division Best Paper Award for "Giardia lamblia and Water Supply" from the American Water Works Association. He developed the enrichment-temperature acclimation method for recovery enhancementof stressed fecal coliform. The method has been adopted in the Standard Method for the Examination of Water and Wastewater, since the 18th edition (1990).

He is a life member of the American Society of Civil Engineers, the American Water Works Association, and the Water Environment Federation. He is a consultant to the governments of Taiwan and China and for consultant firms.


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