

Urban Wind Energy

ISBN: 9781844072828

Autores: Sinisa Stankovic, Neil Campbell, Alan Harries


Número de Páginas: 200

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Energy security, rising energy prices (oil, gas, electricity), 'peak oil', environmental pollution, nuclear energy, climate change and sustainable living are hot topics across the globe. Meanwhile, abundant and perpetual wind resources offer opportunities, via recent technological developments, to provide part of the solution to address these key issues.

The rapid growth of large-scale wind farm installations has now led to the generation of clean electricity for tens of millions of homes around the world. However, despite the potential to reduce the losses and costs associated with transmission and to use local wind acceleration techniques to improve energy yields, the potential for urban wind energy has yet to be realised.

Although there is increasing public interest, the uptake of urban wind energy in suitable areas has been slow. This is in part due to a lack of understanding of key issues such as: available wind resources; technology integration; planning processes (include assessment of environmental impacts and public safety due to close proximity to people and property); energy consumption in buildings versus energy production from turbines; economics (including grants, subsidies, maintenance); and the effect of complex urban windscapes on performance.

Urban Wind Energy attempts to illuminate these areas, addressing common concerns highlighting pitfalls, offering real world examples and providing a framework to assess viability in energy, environmental and economic terms. It is a comprehensive guide to urban wind energy for architects, engineers, planners, developers, investors, policy-makers, manufacturers and students as well as community organisations and home-owners interested in generating their own clean electricity.
Part I: Wind Energy in Context

Part II: Urban Wind Energy Potential

Part III: Urban Wind Energy Feasibility Study

Part IV: Turbine Technology

Part V: Building Integrated Wind Turbines
Sinisa Stankovic: MSc Energy & Building Design, Fellow of CIBSE, Director of BDSP Partnership. Neil Campbell: PhD Building Physics, Associate of BDSP Partnership. Alan Harries: PhD Fluid Dynamics, Principal Wind Energy Consultant for BDSP Partnership

BDSP Partnership are international consulting engineers specialising in building services, sustainability, energy efficiency and masterplanning. From their inception in 1995, BDSP Partnership's core design principles have focussed on energy demand reduction (through intelligent application of passive design principles and specification of energy efficient systems in buildings) combined with the integration of high efficiency energy supply and renewable technologies.

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