

Tropical Vegetable Production

ISBN: 9781845937539

Autor: R George

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 240

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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Sustainable crop production is vital to ensure that supplies of fresh vegetables and their products are readily available. However, food security still remains a huge problem in areas of the world, including the tropics and sub-tropics, where communities rely solely on subsistence farming to meet their day to day food demands. It is evident that food production needs to become more sustainable to ensure economic stability and poverty reduction. With this in mind Tropical Vegetable Production addresses the problems surrounding vegetable production in developing countries. Divided into two parts this volume discusses firstly the principles and practise of tropical vegetable production, from site selection, security and management to seeds, crop preparation and pesticides, and secondly provides details of those crops which are of particular importance in developing countries.
Part 1 1 Tropics and Vegetables Defined, Concept of subsistence farming, Small farmer enterprises and The importance of vegetables in the human diet. 2 Choice of Site, Site security, Topography, Soils, Water supply and Irrigation. 3 Modification of environment, Site management, Seed supply, Seed classes and types of vegetable cultivars. 4 Farmers' information, Support, Extension and Research backing. 5 Crop preparations and Crop management. 6 Pest, Pathogen and Pesticide definitions, Integrated Pest Management, Physiological disorders, Organic production, Post-harvest losses and Market opportunities. Part 2 7 Alliaceae Onions and related crops 8 Cruciferae. Crucifers 9 Cucurbitaceae Cucurbits, The vine crops 10 Solanaceae Tomato and related crops 11 Leguminosae Beans and related crops as vegetables and pulses 12 Leafy Vegetables 13 Graminae and Cyperaceae 14 Andean Tubers and Roots, Lamiacae and Apiaceae 15 Graminae and Cyperaceae Appendix 1 Indigenous species Appendix 2 International research institutes General Index Index of Species
R George, Seed Technology Consultant and Vegetable Research Consultant to FAO, Rome, formerly of FAO, Rome, Italy

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