

Trees & Forests - A Colour Guide

ISBN: 9781840760859

Autor: Bryan G. Bowes

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 288

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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Trees are one of the dominant features of our existence on earth and play a fundamental role in the environment. This book aims to give the reader an overview and understanding of trees. Subject areas covered include ecology and conservation, tree anatomy and evolution, pathology, silviculture, propagation and surgery. The different chapters cover trees from habitats around the world, from northern boreal and montane coniferous forests to tropical and subtropical rainforests. The book is fully illustrated throughout with the highest quality colour photos, and is invaluable to to professionals and students in plant science, plant biology, ecology, conservation and to those working in forestry and arboriculture.
Section 1: Introduction to Woody Habit

Section 2: World Distribution of Forests • Northern boreal and montane coniferous forests • Temperate rain and deciduous forests • Temperate mixed evergreen forests • Tropical and sub-tropical rain and dry forests

Section 3: Tree Morphology, Anatomy and Histology

Section 4: Tree Pathology • Cell wall polymers and infection • The effect of fungal bacterial and viral pathogens on important plantation and forest trees I• nsect or other infestations of important plantation and forest trees

Section 5: Forest Ecology and Management, Tree Surgery, Propagation and Conservation • General forest ecological processes • Silvicultural systems and management • Tree pruning and surgery • Tree propagation for forestry and aboriculture • Forest and woodland conservation

Bryan G. Bowes
Senior Lecturer, Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, UK

Contributors: Hugh Angus, Thomas Beuchel, Bryan Bowes, Chris Brett, Nick Brown, Aljos Farjon, Stephen Hopper, Brent McGown, Claire Ozanne, Sandro Pignatti, Erika Pignatti-Wilkus, Ghillean Prance, Peter Savill, Peter Thomas, David Thorman, Steve Woodward

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