

Tomato Diseases, 2nd edition - Identification, Biology and Control

ISBN: 9781840761566

Autor: Dominique Blancard

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 688

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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Following the successful first edition, this revised and greatly expanded edition is the definitive work on the diseases and disorders of the tomato.

The tomato is the world’s most widely produced vegetable. The number of diseases affecting the tomato is enormous: hundreds of bio-aggressors, more than 50 non-parasitic diseases, plus new and alarmingly frequent emerging diseases. Despite considerable progress to curb these diseases, they remain a constant threat to crops, often causing considerable damage. In such a context, the identification, detection, knowledge and control of these diseases - symptoms often can be very similar - are challenges that this book will help overcome.

Containing more than 900 colour photos, the book consists of two main parts. The first is designed as a diagnostic tool, allowing the reader to alternate between the observation of the diseased plant, environmental questions, and the prioritization of the differential diagnoses. The second part comprises numerous information sheets detailing the characteristics of most tomato pathogens, geographic distribution, impact on production, types of symptoms, and life history of the plant. This section also describes the range of plant protection and disease resistance measures currently available.

This unique volume is a comprehensive overview of the latest scientific knowledge on parasitic and non-parasitic tomato diseases worldwide. It will address the needs of tomato producers and keen gardeners, as well as those of researchers, teachers and their students.
Introduction: The Tomato - the plant and its culture

Diagnosis of parasitic and non-parasitic diseases

Folioles and leaves: Alteration and anomalies of growth & form; problems of coloration; spots and blots

Root system: problems of form; problems of color yellowing, browning, blackening, etc

The Stem: External & Internal anomalies

The Fruit: problems of form, colour, spots, blemishes, decay

Principal characteristics of pathogens, control methods

Fungi and visible organisms





Resistance to disease and predators



Dominique Blancard
Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, France Foreword by John Warner Scott
University of Florida, USA. Translated by Denise McGee Contributors: Henri Laterrot, Georges Marchoux, Thierry Candresse


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