

The World of Organic Agriculture

ISBN: 9781844075928

Autores: Helga Willer, Minou Yussefi-Menzler, Neil Sorensen


Número de Páginas: 268

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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The new edition of this annual publication (previously published solely by IFOAM and FiBL) documents recent developments in global organic agriculture. It includes contributions from representatives of the organic sector from throughout the world and provides comprehensive organic farming statistics that cover surface area under organic management, numbers of farms and specific information about commodities and land use in organic systems. The book also contains information on the global market of the burgeoning organic sector, the latest developments in organic certification, standards and regulations, and insights into current status and emerging trends for organic agriculture by continent from the world’s foremost experts.

For this edition, all statistical data and regional review chapters have been thoroughly updated. Completely new chapters on organic agriculture in the Pacific, on the International Task Force on Harmonization and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture and on organic aquaculture have been added.

Published with IFOAM and FiBL

The World of Organic Agriculture 2008: Summary

Organic Agriculture Worldwide: Current Statistics

Information Sources: Overview

The Organics Trade Development Programme (OTDP) of the International Trade Centre (ITC)

The Global Market for Organic Food and Drink

Standards and Regulations

East African Organic Products Standard and more

Number of Organic Certifiers Jumps to 468


The ITF - the FAO/IFOAM/UNCTAD International Task Force on Harmonization and Equivalence in Organic Agriculture

Organic Aquaculture

Organic Farming in Africa

Africa: Organic Farming Statistics

Organic Asia 2007

Country Report: Organic Agriculture in Iran
Asia: Organic Farming Statistics

Europe: Statistics, Policy and Research

Cropping Patterns in the European Union 2006 (EU 27)

The European Market for Organic Food in 2006

Trends in the Organic Retailing Sector in Europe 2007

Europe: Organic Farming Statistics

Organic Farming in the Mediterranean Region: Towards Further Development

Country Report: Organic Food and Farming in Egypt

Organic Farming in Latin America

Latin America: Country Reports

Latin America: Organic Farming Statistics

United States


North America: Organic Farming Statistics

Organic Farming in Australia

Organic Farming in New Zealand

Organic Agriculture in the Pacific

Oceania/Australia: Organic Farming Statistics

Achievements Made and Challenges Ahead

Helga Willer is at the Research Institute of Organic Agriculture FiBL, Frick, Switzerland. Minou Yussefi-Menzler is at the Foundation Ecology and Agriculture (SOEL), Bad Duerkheim, Germany. Neil Sorensen is at the International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM), Bonn, Germany.


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