

The Peach - Botany, Production and Uses

ISBN: 9781845933869

Autor: D Layne

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 632

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

192,13 €213,48 €
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The Peach provides a comprehensive up to date reference work, summarizing our knowledge of peaches and their production worldwide and includes an extensive colour plates section. Chapters written by international authorities address botany and taxonomy, breeding and genetics of cultivars and rootstocks, propagation, physiology and planting systems, crop and pest management and postharvest physiology. The book also includes a contribution on the history of cultivation and production trends in China with historical references dating back to 1100 B.C for the first time in the English language.
Botany and Taxonomy
History of Cultivation and Trends in China
Classical Genetics and Breeding
Genetic Engineering and Genomics
Low-Chill Cultivar Development
Fresh Market Cultivar Development
Processing Peach Cultivar Development
Rootstock Development
Propagation Techniques
Carbon Assimilation, Partitioning and Budget Modeling
Orchard Planting Systems
Crop Load Management
Nutrient and Water Requirements of Peach Trees
Orchard Floor Management Systems
Diseases of Peach Caused by Fungi and Fungal-Like Organisms: Biology, Epidemiology, and Management
Diseases Caused by Prokaryotes - Bacteria and Phytoplasmas
Viruses and Viroids of Peach Trees
Insects and Mites
Preharvest Factors Affecting Peach Quality
Ripening, Nutrition, and Postharvest Physiology
Harvesting and Postharvest Handling of Peaches for the Fresh Market
D Layne, Clemson University, USA , D Bassi, University of Milan, Italy

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