

The Future Control of Food

ISBN: 9781844074297

Autores: Geoff Tansey, Tasmin Rajotte


Número de Páginas: 288

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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This book is the first wide-ranging guide to the key issues of intellectual property and ownership, genetics, biodiversity and food security. Proceeding from an introduction and overview of the issues, comprehensive chapters cover negotiations and instruments in the World Trade Organization, Convention on Biological Diversity, UN Food and Agriculture Organization, World Intellectual Property Organization, the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants and various other international bodies. The final part discusses the responses of civil society groups to the changing global rules, how these changes affect the direction of research and development, the nature of global negotiation processes and various alternative futures.

Published with IDRC and QIAP.

Part I: A Changing Food System
Food, Farming and Global Rules

Part II: The Key Global Negotiations and Agreements
Turning Plant Varieties into Intellectual Property: The UPOV Convention
Bringing Minimum Global Intellectual Property Standards into Agriculture: The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS)
Promoting and Extending the Reach of Intellectual Property: The World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
Safeguarding Biodiversity: The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
Giving Priority to the Commons: The International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGRFA)
The Negotiations Web: Complex Connections

Part III: Responses, Observations and Prospects
Responding to Change
Postcards from International Negotiations
Global Rules, Local Needs


Geoff Tansey is a researcher and writer on intellectual property, food and agriculture and a Joseph Rowntree Visionary for a Just and Peaceful World. He is lead author of The Food System (1995) and co-editor of The Meat Business (1999) and Negotiating Health (2005). Tasmin Rajotte has worked in the field of sustainable agriculture, food security and environment for a number of years and is the representative for the Quaker International Affairs Programme (QIAP), Ottawa, Canada.

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