

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

ISBN: 9781492509165

Autores: Stephen Mitchell, Jennifer Fisette


Número de Páginas: 264

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education is the definitive guide for future K-12 physical educators, as well as current teachers and administrators, and is an appropriate resource for learning to teach at both the elementary and the secondary levels.

Preparing Future Teachers for Success
The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education is the most up-to-date resource that aligns with SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. The text is comprehensive in its coverage of what future teachers need to know about teaching K-12 physical education and offers a flexible, individualized approach to enhancing student learning and acquisition of skills.

The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education helps prepare future teachers by providing them with the following:
Insight into student motivation
A working knowledge of standards-based outcomes and content that will help students achieve the outcomes
The ability to plan for learning in both the short and the long term
Management and teaching skills to ensure an equitable environment that fosters student learning in three domains: psychomotor, cognitive, and affective
The means to assess student learning and program effectiveness
Teaching for Learning Approach
In addition, The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education offers a practical and highly successful teaching for learning approach to curriculum development, which makes it easy to put the contents of the book in action and prepare students to graduate with a high degree of physical literacy. The book’s focus on physical literacy, accountability, and social justice—all key elements to high-quality physical—education, will prepare future teachers to step into their jobs on day one, ready to deliver an effective program. The text also supplies a vocabulary of the current terminology used in physical education.

Ancillaries and Book Organization
The Essentials of Teaching Physical Education comes with a test bank, a PowerPoint presentation package that has approximately 15 slides per chapter, and a web resource with reproducible forms and supplemental activities.

The authors organized the book in five parts. Part I focuses on understanding the teaching for learning approach, and part II details the five national physical education standards. Part III delves into unit and lesson planning and developmentally appropriate content and curriculum models, and part IV explores how to establish safe learning environments, develop essential teaching skills, and assess student learning. Part V completes the picture for future students by tackling issues that are important to 21st-century skills and professional development.

The Resource for Developing Physically Literate Students
The result is a practical and well-researched resource that will help current and future physical educators develop physically literate students while providing guidance for accountability and social justice and meeting SHAPE America's National Standards and Grade-Level Outcomes for K-12 Physical Education. And that makes it a win–win–win: a win for teachers and future teachers, a win for their students, and a win for the United States as it progresses toward becoming a healthier nation.
Part I Building the Foundation of a Teaching for Learning Approach
Chapter 1 Developing Physically Literate People
Promoting Physical Literacy
Academic Links to Physical Literacy
Chapter 2 Understanding a Teaching for Learning Approach
Curricular Alignment in Physical Education
Instructional Alignment in Physical Education
Chapter 3 Examining Student Motivation
Establishing a Motivating Environment
Retaining Students’ Motivation
Intrinsic Versus Extrinsic Motivation
Eradicating Amotivation
Part II Teaching to the National Physical Education Standards
Chapter 4 Standard 1: Developing Motor Skills and Movement Patterns
Competency Versus Proficiency
Motor Skills and Phases of Performance
Elementary School: K–Grade 5
Middle School: Grades 6–8
High School: Grades 9–12
Chapter 5 Standard 2: Applying Concepts, Principles, Strategies, and Tactics
Elementary School: K–Grade 5
Middle School: Grades 6–8
High School: Grades 9–12
Chapter 6 Standard 3: Achieving Health-Enhancing Physical Activity and Fitness
Elementary School: K–Grade 5
Middle School: Grades 6–8
High School: Grades 9–12
Chapter 7 Standard 4: Exhibiting Responsible Personal and Social Behavior
Elementary School: K–Grade 5
Middle School: Grades 6–8
High School: Grades 9–12
Chapter 8 Standard 5: Recognizing the Value of Physical Activity
Elementary School: K–Grade 5
Middle School: Grades 6–8
High School: Grades 9–12
Part III Building the Curriculum
Chapter 9 Unit and Lesson Planning
Unit Planning
Lesson Planning
Chapter 10 Planning Developmentally Appropriate Content
Types of Knowledge
Standards, Outcomes, and Assessments
Learning Domains
Students’ Prior Knowledge and Experiences
Sequencing of Content and Task Progressions
Modifying Content
Chapter 11 Curriculum Models
Skill Theme Approach
Personal and Social Responsibility
Tactical Games Model
Sport Education Model
Fitness Education
Adventure Education
Outdoor Education
Cultural Studies
Implementing Curriculum Models Within Units of Instruction
Part IV Instruction and Assessment
Chapter 12 Establishing and Managing a Safe Learning Environment
Setting Rules for Your Gymnasium
Managing Student Behavior
Maximizing Learning and Activity Time
Managing the Learning Environment During Instruction and Activity
Chapter 13 Developing Essential Teaching Skills
Exploring Instructional Styles
Employing Effective Teaching Tactics
Chapter 14 Assessing Student Learning
Purposes of Assessment
Grading Schemes
Selecting Appropriate Assessments
Types of Assessments
Organizing and Interpreting Data
Part V Developing as a Professional
Chapter 15 21st Century Skills in Physical Education
Framework for 21st-Century Learning
21st Century Student Outcomes
21st Century Support Systems
Chapter 16 Advocacy and Professional Development
Advocating for Your Profession
Professional Development Opportunities

Steve Mitchell, PhD, is a professor of physical education teacher education at Kent State University. He has BS and MA degrees in physical education and education from Loughborough University in England and a PhD in education from Syracuse University. Steve has coauthored four other books with Human Kinetics and has numerous refereed journal publications to his credit. He has also made dozens of keynote addresses and scholarly presentations. Mitchell is a member of SHAPE America (formerly AAHPERD), serving on many committees for that organization. He is a past president of the Ohio Association for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance (OAHPERD). In 2005, he received the NASPE Physical Education Teacher Education Honor Award.

Jennifer L. Walton-Fisette, EdD, is an associate professor of physical education teacher education in the School of Teaching, Learning, and Curriculum Studies at Kent State University. She obtained her BS in physical education from Rhode Island College, MS in sport pedagogy from Ithaca College, and EdD in physical education teacher education from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Her scholarship explores the critical examination of girls' lived experiences and embodied identities in physical education and physical activity through student voice, assessment, and curriculum development. She is currently exploring how sociocultural issues are included and addressed in PETE programs locally, nationally, and internationally. Dr. Walton-Fisette has published 3 books and more than 20 research articles. She was a member of the PE Metrics writing team on both editions and is actively involved with SHAPE America, OAHPERD, and other associations.

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