

The Essentials of Teaching Health Education With Web Resource

ISBN: 9781492507635

Autor: SHAPE America - Society of Health and Physical Educators


Número de Páginas: 320

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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The Essentials of Teaching Health Education presents a skills-based approach to teaching K-12 health education that prepares students for success in the 21st century. This practical text is written by seasoned and highly credentialed authors with experience in both university and K-12 settings. It provides all you need to build, teach and assess a health education program that will help your students become health-literate individuals, develop the 21st-century skills they need for success in college and in their careers, and maintain or improve health outcomes.
Part I Building the Foundation of a Skills-Based Approach
Chapter 1. Developing Health-Literate Individuals
Chapter 2. Understanding a Skills-Based Approach
Chapter 3. Examining Student Motivation

Part II Teaching to the National Health Education Standards
Chapter 4. Accessing Valid Information
Chapter 5. Analyzing Influences
Chapter 6. Interpersonal Communication
Chapter 7. Decision Making
Chapter 8. Goal Setting
Chapter 9. Self-Management
Chapter 10. Advocacy

Part III Developing Curricula and Assessments
Chapter 12. Eight Steps for Curriculum Development
Chapter 13. Designing Meaningful Assessments

Part IV Strategies for Effective Instruction
Chapter 14. Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Chapter 15. Implementing a Skills-Based Approach
Chapter 16. Meeting the Unique Needs of Elementary Health Education

Part V Beyond the Classroom
Chapter 17. Professional Development and Advocacy
Chapter 18. Making Cross-Curriculum Connections
Sarah Sparrow Benes, EdD, CHES, is a senior lecturer and program director in physical education and health education at Boston University. Sarah teaches a variety of undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in health and physical education, does service projects in local communities, and conducts research on health education and physical activity in schools. She has numerous publications in refereed journals and chapters examining health education; she has also made more than a dozen presentations on skill-based health education and related topics at state and regional conferences.

Holly Alperin, EdM, MCHES, has worked to improve the health and academic outcomes of young people by leveraging partnerships in order to strengthen school-level policies and practices both in the health education classroom and throughout the school. She provides training and technical assistance to preK-12 educators, administrators, and staff; teaches preservice and graduate students working toward degrees in health education; and develops and implements trainings to advance the capacity of state and national stakeholders to improve the outcomes of children.

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