

Stretching Anatomy-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9781450438155

Autores: Arnold Nelson, Jouko Kokkonen


Número de Páginas: 232

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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See inside every stretch as you increase flexibility and improve muscular strength. Expanded, enhanced, and updated, the best-selling Stretching Anatomy returns to show you how to increase range of motion, supplement training, enhance recovery, and maximize efficiency of movement. You’ll also gain a detailed understanding of how each stretch affects your body.

Stretching Anatomy, Second Edition, is like having an X-ray of each stretch, only better. Not only do you see full-color illustrations of the muscles in action, but you also see how a change in position can alter the muscle emphasis and difficulty and how variations can improve safety and effectiveness. A new Stretch Focus section details the procedure and benefits of every exercise as well as safety considerations and variations according to skill level.
Chapter 1 Neck
Chapter 2 Shoulders, Back, and Chest
Chapter 3 Arms, Wrists, and Hands
Chapter 4 Lower Trunk
Chapter 5 Hips
Chapter 6 Knees and Thighs
Chapter 7 Feet and Calves
Chapter 8 Dynamic Stretches
Chapter 9 Customizing Your Stretching Program

Stretch Finder
About the Authors

Arnold G. Nelson, PhD, is a professor in the School of Kinesiology at Louisiana State University. A leading researcher on flexibility, he is considered one of the top authorities on the effect of stretching on muscle performance. Nelson is a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine and earned his PhD in muscle physiology from the University of Texas at Austin. He resides in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.

Jouko Kokkonen, PhD, is a professor in exercise science at Brigham Young University in Hawaii. For more than two decades he has taught anatomy, kinesiology, exercise physiology, and athletic conditioning, and for more than three decades he has coached track and field. Kokkonen’s research has focused on the acute and chronic effects of stretching. He earned his PhD in exercise physiology from Brigham Young University and now resides in Laie, Hawaii, with his wife, Ruthanne.

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