

Signals and Systems

ISBN: 9780471988007

Autor: Bernd Girod

Editora: WILEY.

Número de Páginas: 592

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2001

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Sales of books like Oppenheim & Willsky show that enrolments in Signals & Systems courses remain very large, so it's a very competitive market. Girod et al are well known authors at one of the top Univs in Germany, but they are determined to make the text student-friendly with an applications emphasis, plenty of worked problems and a large no. of illustrations. Reviews suggest that it will be positioned at the top end of the market along with Oppenheim (may be too rigorous for most US colleges). I will explore the software issue with the authors as this is becoming a factor in this market.
Preface. Introduction. Time-Domain Models of Continuous LTI-Systems. Modelling LTI-Systems in the Frequency-Domain. Laplace Transform. Compex Analysis and the Inverse Laplace Transform. Analysis of Continuous-Time LTI-Systems with the Laplace Transform. Solving Initial Condition Problems with the Laplace Transform. Convolution and Impulse Response. The Fourier Transform. Bode Plots. Sampling and Periodic Signals. The Spectrum of Discrete Signals. The z-Transform. Discrete-Time LTI-Systems. Causality and the Hilbert Transform. Stability and Feedback Systems. Describing Random Signals. Random Signals and LTI-Systems. Appendix A: Solutions to the Exercises. Appendix B: Tables of Transformations. Bibliography. Index.
BERND GIROD is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Stanford, California. Within the Information Systems Laboratory, his group carries out research on video compression, networked multimedia and 3-D image analysis and synthesis. RUDOLF RABENSTEIN is a faculty member of the Telecommunications Laboratory at the University of Erlangen-Nuernberg in Germany. His teaching and research activities include web-based tele-teaching as well as one and multidimensional system theory and applications. ALEXANDER STENGER is with the Technology Centre for Mobile Communications of Philips Semiconductors in Nuernberg, Germany, where he is responsible for acoustic interfaces of mobile telecommunications products.

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