

Senior Fitness Test Manual-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9781450411189

Autores: Roberta Rikli, C. Jessie Jones


Número de Páginas: 200

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2013

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Senior Fitness Test Manual, Second Edition, offers the most comprehensive and reliable test battery for assessing physical fitness in adults ages 60 and older. The tests in this resource assist health practitioners and fitness and rehabilitation specialists in identifying weaknesses that cause mobility problems, developing exercise programs that improve functional fitness, preventing future mobility issues, and evaluating progress. The Senior Fitness Test also has companion software for recording and reporting testing data.

The Senior Fitness Test (SFT) is a simple, economical method of assessing the physical attributes that older adults need in order to perform daily activities. It consists of seven tests—covering lower- and upper-body strength, aerobic endurance, lower- and upper-body flexibility, agility, and balance—that can be conducted with minimal space, equipment, and technical requirements, making it easy to administer in most clinical and community settings or in the home environment. The manual presents clear instructions on preparing and administering the tests and interpreting and using the test results. Readers will find guidelines on creating senior fitness programs as well as exercises to recommend for improving functional fitness scores.
How to Use This Manual

Chapter 1. Fitness Testing in Later Years: Recognizing Unique Needs of Older Adults
Importance of Fitness and Fitness Testing in Later Years
Rationale for Developing the SFT
Unique Qualities of the SFT
Uses of the SFT
History of the SFT—A Decade of Use

Chapter 2. The Senior Fitness Test: Defining Functional Fitness Parameters
Conceptual Background
Functional Fitness Parameters
Test Selection Criteria
Overview of Test Items

Chapter 3. Test Validity, Reliability, Percentile Norms, and Criterion-Referenced Performance Standards: Identifying Relevant Fitness Measures for Older Adults
Percentile norms
Criterion-referenced functional fitness standards

Chapter 4. Test Administration: Establishing Consistent Testing Protocols
Pretest Procedures and Considerations
Administering the Tests
Guidelines for Group Testing

Chapter 5. Test Results: Interpreting and Using Feedback to Motivate and Improve Performance
Interpreting Test Scores
Methods of Providing Feedback to Participants
Using Test Results to Motivate Participants

Chapter 6. Exercise Recommendations for Older Adults: Improving Senior Fitness Test Scores
Physical Activity and Exercise Guidelines for Older Adults
Lifestyle Exercise
Guidelines for Structured Exercise to Improve SFT Scores
Exercises to Improve Strength, Flexibility, Agility, and Balance
Roberta E. Rikli, PhD, is professor of kinesiology and dean emeritus of the college of health and human development at California State University in Fullerton and was cofounder of the LifeSpan Wellness Program at Fullerton. For the past two decades she has done extensive work in physical performance assessment with a particular focus on senior fitness. She has published numerous scientific papers on her work and has made over 100 presentations at conferences and workshops in the United States, Canada, Germany, France, Finland, Scotland, Brazil, China, Korea, and Japan.

C. Jessie Jones, PhD, is professor and chair of the department of health science at California State University in Fullerton. She is director of the Fibromyalgia and Pain Management Center at Fullerton and cofounder of the Center for Successful Aging.

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