

Science of Animal Agriculture 4e

ISBN: 9781435480742

Autor: Ray V. Herren

Editora: CENGAGE

Número de Páginas: 554

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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THE SCIENCE OF ANIMAL AGRICULTURE, 4th edition teaches science along with concepts associated with the industry of animal agriculture. The fourth edition features many updates, including the latest advancements in the field of animal science, such as cellular biology, and the latest updates on consumer concerns and new government regulations. A hallmark of THE SCIENCE OF ANIMAL AGRICULTURE, 4th edition is the presentation of scientific theory via application context. Topics such as nutrition, anatomy, genetics, entomology, pathology, and animal behavior are covered in depth. These complicated areas are presented in the context of how they are used in the animal industry, allowing your students to make a distinct correlation. Your students will benefit from this science-based, animal agriculture book that makes complicated biology principles easy to grasp and apply.


Presents agricultural and biological concepts so students can better understand the animal agricultural industry.
Focus on the connection between theory and application.
Connects real life scenarios with biological principles that help students retain the concepts presented.
Detailed illustrations lead to your students’ clearer understanding of key concepts.
1. Animal Agriculture as Science.
The Scientific Method. Animal Immunization. Refrigeration. Artificial Insemination. Embryo Transfer. The Use of Computers. Summary. Review Exercises.
2. The Classification of Agricultural Animals.
Scientific Classification. Classification by Breeds. Classification According to Use. Summary. Review Exercises.
3. The Beef Industry.
Beef in the American Diet. The Beef Industry in the United States. Beef Cattle Breeds. Segments of the Beef Industry. Summary. Review Exercises.
4. The Dairy Industry.
Feeding. Gestation. Milk Production. Dairy Goats and Sheep. Cheese Manufacturing. Summary. Review Exercises.
5. The Swine Industry.
Industry History. Breeds of Swine. Production Methods. Environmental Concerns. Summary. Review Exercises.
6. The Poultry Industry.
The Broiler Industry. Broiler Production . Layer Industry. The Turkey Industry. Other Poultry. Summary. Review Exercises.
7. The Sheep Industry.
The Wool Industry. Summary. Review Exercises.
8. The Goat Industry.
History. Goat Industry in the US. Production in the US. Anatomy and Physiology. Management of Goats. Summary. Review Exercises.
9. The Horse Industry.
Classification. Mules . Anatomy of the Horse. Raising Horses. Summary. Review Exercises .
10. The Aquaculture Industry.
Fish Production. Sport Fishing. Bullfrogs. Crayfish. Alligator Farming. Summary. Review Exercises.
11. The Small Animal Industry.
The History of Pets. Dogs. Cats. Exotic Animals as Pets. Reptiles. Health Benefits. Service Animals. Pet Food. Animal Health. Summary. Review Exercises.
21. Alternative Animal Agriculture.
Rabbit Production. Llama Production. Fish Bait Production. Large Game Animals. Laboratory Animal Production. Producing Natural and Certified Animal Products. Hunting Preserves. Summary. Review Exercises.
13. The Honey Bee Industry.
The Importance of Honeybees. Bees as Social Insects. Commercial Honey Production. Breeding Bees. Producing New Queens. Diseases and Parasites. Summary. Review Exercises .
14. Animal Behavior
Social Behavior. Sexual and Reproductive Behavior. Ingestive Behavior. Animal Communication. Summary. Review Exercises.
15. Animal Cells: The Building Blocks.
The Importance of Cells. Cell Reproduction. Animal Stem Cells. Summary. Review Exercises.
16. Animal Genetics .
Gene Transfer. The Determination of the Animal’s Sex. Using Genetics in the Selection Process. Performance Data. Summary. Review Exercises.
17. The Scientific Selection of Agricultural Animals.
The Selection of Swine. Selecting Breeding Hogs. Selecting Market Beef Animals. Selecting Breeding Cattle. The Selection of Sheep. Selection of Commercial or Western Ewes. Selecting Breeding Ewes. Selecting Rams. Judging Market Lambs. Summary. Review Exercises.
18. The Reproduction Process.
Reproduction in Animals. The Male Reproductive System. The Female Reproductive System. Fertilization . Artificial Insemination. Embryo Transfer. Summary. Review Exercises.
19. Cloning Animals.
Introduction. Reasons for Cloning. The Development of the Cloning Process. Perfecting the Process. Differences in Clones . Summary. Review Exercises.
20. Animal Growth and Development.
Prenatal Growth. The Effects of Hormones on Growth. The Aging Process in Animals. Summary. Review Exercises.
21. Animal Nutrition.
Water. Protein. Carbohydrates. Fat. Minerals. Vitamins. The Digestion Process. Summary. Review Exercises.
22. Meat Science.
The Meat Industry. The Slaughter Process. Grading. The Wholesale Cuts. Factors Affecting Palatability. Preservation and Storage of Meat. Summary. Review Exercises.
23. Parasites of Agricultural Animals.
Internal Parasites. External Parasites. Parasite Control. Summary. Review Exercise.
24. Animal Diseases.
Infectious Diseases. The Immune System. Noninfectious Diseases. Poisoning. Disease Prevention. Summary. Review Exercises.
25. The Issue of Animal Welfare.
26. Consumer Concerns.
27. Careers in Animal Science.
Ray V. Herren
Ray V. Herren has been actively involved in agriculture for most of his life. He grew up on a diversified farm, where he played a major role in the production of livestock. He obtained a Bachelor of Science degree in agricultural education from Auburn University, a master's degree in agribusiness education from Alabama A & M, and a doctorate in vocational education (with an emphasis in agricultural education) from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Dr. Herren has taught at Virginia Tech, Oregon State University, and the University of Georgia in Athens, where he recently retired as head of the Department of Agriculture Leadership, Education, and Communication. In addition to being a national leader in the Future Farmers of America (FFA) Alumni organization, he has served on numerous committees from the local to international level, including a national task force to develop FFA programs for middle school and the National Committee for Career Development Events. His prolific scholarly activity includes 26 journal articles, 41 invited or refereed presentations, and four books. He has also earned several awards for his commitment to service, as well as UGA's prestigious College of Education Outstanding Teaching Award.

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