

RNI 100 - International conference on the values of tangible heritage

ISBN: 9789724922959

Autores: José Delgado Rodrigues, João Manuel Mimoso, Marluci Menezes

Editora: LNEC

Número de Páginas: 426

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2017

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Tangible heritage is the support of some of the most relevant and perennial values of Mankind. It connects us with History, projects us to past environments and to lost cultural contexts, includes landmarks of our identity and constitute relevant economic assets. Therefore tangible heritage has intangible aspects inextricably associated to it, and the whole must be dealt with as a binomial entity. In short, when tangible heritage
is addressed, intangibility matters.
Conservation of tangible heritage is a cultural act, and has the problematic of value as a leading concept. The protection statutes, the arguments used to sustain the protection policies, the management options and definition of priorities, the allocation of resources and the exploitation of assets are intimately linked and dependent on values and, thus, of an intangible nature.
Intangibility Matters, the IPERION CH International Conference on the values of tangible heritage – IMaTTe 2017 aims at offering a discussion forum for scientists and other professionals working on the Cultural Heritage field about the intangible aspects of tangible cultural heritage assets.
LNEC, Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, organized this Conference as part of its activities within the IPERION CH partnership and welcomes all those who in the following days will discuss the intangible aspects of monuments and tangible cultural heritage in general.
The values of dissonant heritage: how to manage the legacy of Nazism and others dictatorships,
a challenge for the present
Ascensión Hernández Martínez

Developing value
Agnes Brokerhof, Anna Buelow and Janien Kemp

Aesthetics, utility and values: a systematization of glazed ceramics in the façades of modernist
Catarina Geraldes, Alexandre Pais and João Manuel Mimoso

Industrial masonry chimneys. A forgotten symbol or a cherished heritage
Nicole Cardoso, Marluci Menezes and Paulina Faria

Production technology and techno-historical value in faience azulejos
João Manuel Mimoso and Lurdes Esteves

The importance of technological knowledge for the valorization of azulejo heritage
Sílvia Pereira, Marluci Menezes and Kate van Lookeren

Porto’s Crystal Palace: between image and memory
Vera Gonçalves

Is it museum-worthy? Manuel de Macedo’s activity as an art expert within the suppression of religious orders
Vera Mariz

Identity and architectural values of the monastery of São Bento de Cástris in the period 1957-2005
Patrícia Salomé Faustino, Sofia Aleixo and Antónia Fialho Conde

Barons’ of Trovisqueira woolen mill, at Riba d’Ave - first layer on a oblivion stratigraphy
Mário Bruno Pastor, Eduarda Vieira and Juan Manuel Cano Sanchiz

Two artworks by Maximiano Alves for the combatants of the Great War, Lisbon: their comparison and significance
Agnès Le Gac, Ricardo Lopes and Martim Arinto

Heritage valorization through reutilization: the case of São Sebastião Chapel in Évora
Virgínia Glória Nascimento, Fernando Baptista Pereira, António Candeias and Alice Nogueira Alves

The assignment of heritage value to the osteological teaching collection of the University of Lisbon’s Faculty of Fine Arts
Diana Dinis, Isabel Ritto and Alice Alves

The integration of azulejos in the modernist architecture of Portugal as a unique case in Europe
Catarina Geraldes, Alexandre Pais and João Manuel Mimoso

Cinema and heritage: places of memory as inspiration for the seventh art in Brazil
Jéssica de Fátima Rossone Alves, Cláudia dos Reis Paiva and Daniel de Almeida MoratoriVenice Charter, 1964: basis, agents and premises for its contextualization
Patricia Viceconti Nahas

Values assessment towards decision-making in conservation: the Viceregal Portrait Collection of Portuguese India
Teresa Teves Reis, António Candeias and Fernando António Baptista Pereira

The tenth sense of preventive conservation the inventory and study of the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon Collections
Alice Nogueira Alves and Marta Frade

Practical intangibility: the fort, the king, the saint and the islands
Jason Bolton

Questioning the “bottom-up” concept in the cultural heritage study and safeguard. Is this a condescending or even discriminatory term?
Filomena Sousa

Introducing the heritage value matrix: connecting matter and meaning in built heritage
Nicholas Clarke and Marieke Kuipers

Paradores of Spain: a window to heritage, tourism and hospitality
Laccy Silva

Heritage considerations and challenges from ancient DNA analysis: a preliminary approach expanding from the Greek legal and ethical network
Eugenia Tabakaki and Dimitris Kafetzopoulos

The impact of politics and ideology on the transformation of heritage values: Haci Bayram District in Ankara, Turkey
Özgün Özçakir, Ayše Güliz Bilgin Altinöz and Anna Mignosa

Distribution of goods circulation and services tax revenue as a mechanism for safeguarding cultural assets: an analysis of the Minas Gerais State’s Program
Wilian D. H. Amaral, Guilherme V. L. Brandão and José A. B. Castañon

Public policies for the protection of Brazilian architectural heritage: a case study
Aline Eyng Savi, Liliana Esteves, Julia Marcello Dal Molin and Lays Juliani Hespanhol

Conserving places of memories: on social significance and justice
Hélia Marçal

Space and memory: writen sources and oral history when planning urban renewal
Margarida Reis e Silva

Classification of the processes of production and transformation of urban heritage
José Miguel Silva

Transformations and permanences in urban river landscapes
Yara Galdino and Lúcia Costa

Social housing as a heritage site. reflections on the urban rehabilitation of Caño Roto
Noelia CerveroThe world patrimonialization processes: the case of Ver-o-Peso (BR)
Maisa Fonseca de Almeida and Joana d’Arc de Oliveira

Urban conservation policies for the twentieth century city: recognition and analysis of historical building heritage in Pescara (Italy)
Claudio Varagnoli, Stefano Cecamore and Barbara Ferri

Imaging evaluation of local treatments for foxed papers
Marta Matos, Francisca Figueira and Teresa Ferreira

The Caramela dwelling – the immateriality of the matter
Teresa Sampaio, Inês Oliveira and Paulina Faria

Traditional adobe buildings in the Alto Ribatejo Region
Jorge Mascarenhas and Maria de Lurdes Belgas

Tangible heritage of a building-stone mining in the Vistula River Valley at the Kazimierz Dolny vicinity, Poland
Alicja Bobrowska and Joanna Pininska

Windows from a Lisbon Palace. heritage values for sustainable construction
Armando Pinto, Dulce Franco and Odete Domingues

Functional rehabilitation of heritage buildings based on reinforced concrete structural elements. Cultural/historic values and public utility to consider
José Miranda Dias, António Santos, Armando Pinto, Luís Matias and Teresa Santos

Assessment of the hygrothermal air conditions of the science Museum of the University of Coimbra
Luísa Dias Pereira, Adélio Rodrigues Rodrigues Gaspar, José Joaquim Costa and Gilberto Pereira

The archive oh historical materials in digital era as cultural value
António Santos Silva, Marluci Menezes and Maria João Correia

Metamorphosis. The core of the azulejo tradition in Portugal
Alexandre Nobre Pais

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