

Research Methods in Biomechanics-2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780736093408

Autores: Gordon Robertson, Graham Caldwell, Joseph Hamill, Gary Kamen, Saunders Whittlesey


Número de Páginas: 440

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Research Methods in Biomechanics, Second Edition, demonstrates the range of available research techniques and how to best apply this knowledge to ensure valid data collection. In the highly technical field of biomechanics, research methods are frequently upgraded as the speed and sophistication of software and hardware technologies increase. With this in mind, the second edition includes up-to-date research methods and presents new information detailing advanced analytical tools for investigating human movement.

Expanded into 14 chapters and reorganized into four parts, the improved second edition features more than 100 new pieces of art and illustrations and new chapters introducing the latest techniques and up-and-coming areas of research. Also included is access to biomechanics research software designed by C-Motion, Visual3D Educational Edition, which allows users to explore the full range of modeling capabilities of the professional Visual3D software in sample data files as well as display visualizations for other data sets.
Part I. Kinematics
Chapter 1. Planar Kinematics
D. Gordon E. Robertson and Graham E. Caldwell
Description of Position
Degrees of Freedom
Kinematic Data Collection
Linear Kinematics
Angular Kinematics
Suggested Readings

Chapter 2. Three-Dimensional Kinematics
Joseph Hamill, W. Scott Selbie, and Thomas M. Kepple
Collection of Three-Dimensional Data
Coordinate Systems and Assumption of Rigid Segments
Transformations between Coordinate Systems
Defining the Segment LCS for the Lower Extremity
Pose Estimation: Tracking the Segment LCS
Joint Angles
Joint Angular Velocity and Angular Acceleration of Cardan Joint Angles
Suggested Readings

Part II. Kinetics
Chapter 3. Body Segment Parameters
D. Gordon E. Robertson
Methods for Measuring and Estimating Body Segment Parameters
Two-Dimensional (Planar) Computational Methods
Three-Dimensional (Spatial) Computational Methods
Suggested Readings

Chapter 4. Forces and Their Measurement
Graham E. Caldwell, D. Gordon E. Robertson, and Saunders N. Whittlesey
Newton’s Laws
Free-Body Diagrams
Types of Forces
Moment of Force, or Torque
Linear Impulse and Momentum
Angular Impulse and Momentum
Measurement of Force
Suggested Readings

Chapter 5. Two-Dimensional Inverse Dynamics
Saunders N. Whittlesey and D. Gordon E. Robertson
Planar Motion Analysis
Numerical Formulation
Human Joint Kinetics
Suggested Readings

Chapter 6. Energy, Work, and Power
D. Gordon E. Robertson
Energy, Work, and the Laws of Thermodynamics
Conservation of Mechanical Energy
Ergometry: Direct Methods
Ergometry: Indirect Methods
Mechanical Efficiency
Suggested Readings

Chapter 7. Three-Dimensional Kinetics
W. Scott Selbie, Joseph Hamill, and Thomas Kepple
Segments and Link Models
3-D Inverse Dynamics Analysis
Presentation of the Net Moment Data
Joint Power
Interpretation of Net Joint Moments
Sources of Error in Three-Dimensional Calculations
Suggested Readings

Part III. Muscles, Models, and Movement
Chapter 8. Electromyographic Kinesiology
Gary Kamen
Physiological Origin of the Electromyographic Signal
Recording and Acquiring the Electromyographic Signal
Analyzing and Interpreting the Electromyographic Signal
Applications for Electromyographic Techniques
Suggested Readings

Chapter 9. Muscle Modeling
Graham E. Caldwell
The Hill Muscle Model
Muscle-Specific Hill Models
Beyond the Hill Model
Suggested Readings

Chapter 10. Computer Simulation of Human Movement
Saunders N. Whittlesey and Joseph Hamill
Overview: Modeling As a Process
Why Simulate Human Movement?
General Procedure for Simulations
Control Theory
Limitations of Computer Models
Suggested Readings

Chapter 11. Musculoskeletal Modeling
Brian R. Umberger and Graham E. Caldwell
Musculoskeletal Models
Control Models
Analysis Techniques
Suggested ReadingsPart IV. Further Analytical Procedures
Chapter 12. Signal Processing
Timothy R. Derrick and D. Gordon E. Robertson
Characteristics of a Signal
Fourier Transform
Time-Dependent Fourier Transform
Sampling Theorem
Ensuring Circular Continuity
Smoothing Data
Suggested Readings

Chapter 13. Dynamical Systems Analysis of Coordination
Richard E.A. van Emmerik, Ross H. Miller, and Joseph Hamill
Movement Coordination
Foundations for Coordination Analysis
Quantifying Coordination: Relative Phase Methods
Quantifying Coordination: Vector Coding
Overview of Coordination Analysis Techniques
Suggested Readings

Chapter 14. Analysis of Biomechanical Waveform Data
Kevin J. Deluzio, Andrew J. Harrison, Norma Coffey, and Graham E. Caldwell
Biomechanical Waveform Data
Principal Component Analysis
Functional Data Analysis
Comparison of PCA and FDA
Suggested Readings
D. Gordon E. Robertson, PhD, an emeritus professor and a fellow of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, wrote Introduction to Biomechanics for Human Motion Analysis. He taught undergraduate- and graduate-level biomechanics at the University of Ottawa and previously at the University of British Columbia, Canada. He conducts research on human locomotion and athletic activities and authors the analogue data analysis software BioProc3.

Graham E. Caldwell, PhD, an associate professor and a fellow of the Canadian Society for Biomechanics, teaches undergraduate- and graduate-level biomechanics at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst and previously held a similar faculty position at the University of Maryland. He won the Canadian Society for Biomechanics New Investigator Award and in 1998 won the Outstanding Teacher Award for the School of Public Health and Health Sciences at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He served as an associate editor for Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise.

Joseph Hamill, PhD, is a professor and fellow of the Research Consortium, International Society of Biomechanics in Sports, Canadian Society for Biomechanics, American College of Sports Medicine, and National Academy of Kinesiology. He coauthored the popular undergraduate textbook Biomechanical Basis of Human Movement. He teaches undergraduate- and graduate-level biomechanics and is director of the Biomechanics Laboratory at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. He serves on the editorial boards of several prestigious professional journals. He is adjunct professor at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland and the University of Limerick in Ireland and a distinguished research professor at Republic Polytechnic in Singapore.

Gary Kamen, PhD, is a professor and fellow of the American Alliance for Health, Physical Education, Recreation and Dance; American College of Sports Medicine; and National Academy of Kinesiology. He authored an undergraduate textbook on kinesiology, Foundations of Exercise Science, as well as a primer on electromyography, Essentials of Electromyography. He was president of the Research Consortium of AAPHERD and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in exercise neuroscience and motor control in the department of kinesiology at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Saunders (Sandy) N. Whittlesey, PhD, a graduate of the University of Massachusetts at Amherst, is a self-employed technology consultant specializing in athletic training, sporting goods, and clinical applications.

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