

Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure

ISBN: 9780736094528

Autores: Monika Stodolska, Kimberly Shinew, Myron Floyd, Gordon Walker


Número de Páginas: 384

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Race and ethnicity have a significant impact on leisure behavior and activity choices. Yet, until now, no book has thoroughly explored that impact, though this topic is critical for leisure professionals to understand as they shape services and programs to meet the needs of the diverse populations they serve.

Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure: Perspectives on Research, Theory, and Practice brings together 28 world-renowned researchers who provide a comprehensive review and unified perspective on leisure in relation to five minority populations in the United States and Canada: African Americans, Latino Americans, Asian North Americans, Indigenous peoples, and religious minority groups.

This text offers a compendium of knowledge as it

synthesizes leisure research on race and ethnicity and discusses how changing demographics will affect leisure behaviors and activities in the 21st century;
explains theleisure behaviors and participation patterns of racial and ethnic minority groups in the United States and Canada;
explores issues, including natural resource recreation, physical activity and health, tourism, and sport, as they relate to recreation activities among minorities; and
presents an international perspective, delving into the leisure behaviors of minority groups in Europe, Australia, New Zealand, and East Asia.

Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure examines the current theories and practices related to minority leisure and reviews numerous issues related to these diverse groups’ leisure, including needs and motivations, constraints, and discrimination. The authors consider leisure behavior of ethnic and racial groups, investigating issues such as types of recreation participation among specific groups, recreation in specific environments, and factors affecting participation. The book also suggests future directions in research and professional practice, guiding students and professionals in addressing the demographic changes in the U.S. and Canadian populations.

The result is an unprecedented text that offers an extensive look at the changing landscape of recreation, leisure pursuits, our world, and the populations that are driving these changes. As such, Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure is an essential text for those preparing to enter the recreation and leisure field.
Part I. Theories, Methods, and Practice

Chapter 1. Theoretical Frameworks in Leisure Research on Race and Ethnicity
Myron F. Floyd and Monika Stodolska
Marginality and Ethnicity
Adaptation Theories
Ethnic Boundary Maintenance
Discrimination Theory
Multiple Stratification Hierarchy Theory
The Conditioned Attitude Model of Individual Discriminatory Behavior and the Ethnicity and Public Recreation Participation Model
Emerging Frameworks

Chapter 2. Ethnic and Racial Research Methods
Karla A. Henderson and Gordon J. Walker
What Is Research?
Paradigms and Approaches to Studying Race and Ethnicity
Past Quantitative Research Used to Study Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure
Past Qualitative Research Used to Study Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure
The Future of Quantitative Research and Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure
The Future of Qualitative Research and Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure
Using Mixed Data to Study Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure

Chapter 3. Race, Ethnicity, and Leisure Services: Can We Hope to Escape the Past?
David Scott
History of Park and Recreation Delivery
Minority Visitation and Access to Services
Institutional Barriers and Recreation Need
Conclusion: Are Agencies Capable of Change?

Part II. Leisure Among Specific Racial, Ethnic, and Religious Populations in the United States and Canada

Chapter 4. Leisure Among African Americans
Myron F. Floyd and Rasul A. Mowatt
Slavery: Black Life or Black Existence?
Reconstruction: Hope, Betrayal, and Failure
Assessing the Impact of Jim Crow on Black Leisure
After Brown v. Board of Education
Black America: Current Socioeconomic and Demographic Context
Current Trends in Research and Theory
Future Directions

Chapter 5. Leisure Among Latino Americans
Monika Stodolska and Kimberly J. Shinew
Definition of Terms
History and Background Information on Selected Latino Populations in the United States
Socioeconomic Characteristics of Latino Americans
Cultural Background of Latino Americans
Overview of Past and Present Research on the Leisure of Latinos
Recommendations for Future Research and Practice

Chapter 6. Leisure Among Asian North Americans
Gordon J. Walker and Jinyang Deng
Definitions and Demographics
Asian North Americans in Leisure Research
Intragroup Comparisons of Asian North Americans’ Leisure
Research and Practice Recommendations

Chapter 7. Leisure Among Alaskan Natives, American Indians, First Nations, Inuit, Métis, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders
Karen Fox, Leo McAvoy, Xiye Wang, and Daniel A. Henhawk
Aboriginal People, American Indians, Native Alaskans, Native Hawaiians, and Other Pacific Islanders in Extant Leisure Literature
Indigenous Peoples and Wilderness, Natural Landscapes, and Parks
Outdoor Recreation, Environmental Education, and Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Peoples and Tourism
Indigenous Peoples in Urban Areas, Leisure, and a Glocalized World
Indigenous Peoples’ Desire for and Commitment to Holistic Approaches
Future Research: Indigenous Peoples and the Scholarship, Practice, and Study of Leisure

Chapter 8. Leisure Among Religious Minorities
Paul Heintzman and Monika Stodolska
Leisure Among Christians
Leisure Among Muslims
Leisure Among Jews
Part III Topics and Issues in Leisure Behavior

Chapter 9. Leisure Needs and Motivations
Gordon J. Walker

Chapter 10. Leisure Constraints
Ingrid E. Schneider, Kimberly J. Shinew, and Mariela Fernandez
Constraints and Negotiation Strategies Defined and Modeled
Research on Constraints Among Racially and Ethnically Diverse Groups
Implications for Management

Chapter 11. Discrimination in Leisure Contexts
Iryna Sharaievska, Monika Stodolska, and Myron F. Floyd
Definition of Terms
Discrimination in Leisure Contexts

Part IV. Special Types of Leisure and Leisure Settings

Chapter 12. Wilderness in the U.S. Immigrant Mind
Cassandra Johnson-Gaither
Immigration at Odds With Conservation?
European American Culture and Nature-Based Recreation
Nature Perceived in Latin America
Wild Nature in Asian Thought
Future Directions

Chapter 13. Race, Ethnicity, and Physical Activity
Kindal Shores and Kimberly J. Shinew
Relationship Between Race and Ethnicity and Physical Activity
Conceptual Models
Research Connecting Race, Ethnicity, and LTPA
Implications for Practice and Further Research

Chapter 14. Race, Ethnicity, and Sport
Louis Harrison Jr. and Albert Y. Bimper Jr.
Racial–Ethnic Participation Patterns in Sport: Overview
Theoretical Frameworks and Historical Explanations
Future Research

Part V. International Perspectives

Chapter 15. Research in Europe
Karin Peters
Europe: A Continent of Immigration
Europe Today: Socioeconomic, Sociocultural, and Spatial Aspects of Ethnic Minorities in Europe
Leisure Research: Overview of Past and Present Research on the Leisure of Minorities in Europe

Chapter 16. Research in Australia and New Zealand
Eva Hiu-Lun Tsai, Grant Cushman, Bob Gidlow, and Michael Toohey
Leisure of Indigenous Peoples and Immigrants in Australia
Leisure of Indigenous Peoples and Immigrants in New Zealand
Recommendations for Practice in Australia and New Zealand

Chapter 17. Research in East Asia
Erwei Dong, Monica Li, and Junhyoung Kim
Meanings of Leisure in China, Korea, and Japan
Ethnic Minority Groups in East Asia
Overview of Leisure Research on Ethnic Minority Groups in East Asia
Future Directions

Conclusions: Emerging Issues
Myron F. Floyd, Gordon J. Walker, Monika Stodolska, and Kimberly J. Shinew
Monika Stodolska, PhD, is a professor in the department of recreation, sport and tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her PhD in earth and atmospheric sciences from the University of Alberta, Canada. Her research focuses on issues of cultural change and quality of life and their relationship to leisure behavior of ethnic and racial minorities. She explores subjects such as the adaptation processes among minority groups, the effects of leisure on identity development among young immigrants, and transnationalism.

Kimberly J. Shinew, PhD, is a professor in the department of recreation, sport and tourism at the University of Illinois. She received her PhD in parks, recreation and tourism management from Clemson University. Her research focuses on the interrelated effect of race, ethnicity, social class, and gender on leisure preferences and behaviors; the impact of constraints, discrimination, and other factors on access to recreation and leisure services and activities; the roles of leisure spaces and activities in facilitating interaction among diverse groups; and the roles of leisure in encouraging physical activity and active living.

Myron F. Floyd, PhD, is a professor in the department of parks, recreation and tourism management at North Carolina State University. Collaborating with colleagues and graduate students, he examines how socioeconomic and cultural factors affect recreation behavior in natural and built environments. He specializes in understanding racial and ethnic disparities in access to parks and urban open space. His most recent work examines the effects of built and natural environments on physical activity and health in low-income and minority communities. Dr. Floyd’s research has been supported by government organizations at the state and federal levels, including the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, USDA Forest Service, USDI National Park Service, and U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

Gordon J. Walker, PhD, is a professor in the faculty of physical education and recreation at the University of Alberta. He received his PhD from Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. His research program integrates social and cross-cultural psychology and leisure theory. He is particularly interested in how culture and ethnicity affect leisure participation (e.g., gambling, outdoor recreation, physical activity) and behavior (e.g., motivations for, constraints to, experiences during, and outcomes of, leisure). Gordon's research has focused primarily on Chinese, Chinese Canadian, and British Canadian people's leisure, with funding from the Alberta Gambling Research Institute and the Social Science and Humanities Research Council of Canada, resulting in a number of conference abstracts, book chapters, and refereed articles.

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