


ISBN: 9728953062

Autores: Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha

Editora: INEGI

Número de Páginas: 679

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2006

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Drawing the Things to Come
Trends and Advances in Sheet Metal Forming

Material behavior, formability, failure, testing methods …
Numerical modelling
Material models
New advanced composite
Metallic matrix composite
Co-laminate materials
Light materials for aeronautical, automotive and packaging applications

Advanced tooling design and machine tools
Numerical modelling
Hot forming
Tool timelife cycle
Rapid tooling and prototyping
Materials, coatings and tooling wear
Tooling technology
Integrated design, CAE
Press and equipment

Sheet forming processes
Numerical modelling
Deep-drawing, blanking, tube and blank hydroforming, stretch forming
Non conventional processes (super-plastic forming, micro-forming, ironing, roll forming, ...)
Design and optimization

Process, control and monitoring
Numerical modelling
Defects analysis
Springback and tool compensation
Process design, optimization and applications
Press and part monitoring

Tool-part contact
Numerical modelling

Material behavior, formability, failure, testing methods
Methods for forming limit prediction in ductile metal sheets 1
K. Mattiasson, M. Sigvant, M. Larsson
A note on forming limits and forming limit stress diagrams 11
E. T. Till, C. Walch, H. Pauli
Issues on the AHSS forming limit determination 19
M. F. Shi, S. Gelisse
Hydroforming of DP600 straight tubes with load control end-feed – experiment
and modelling 27
A. Bardelcik, M.J. Worswick
Forming limit prediction by finite element simulation combined with ductile
fracture criterion - Application to three dimensional press forming processes
of high-strength steel sheets 35
H. Takuda, T. Maruyama, E. Isogai, T. Yoshida
Damage prediction in sheet metal forming: theory, numerics and application 43
K. Saanouni, H. Badreddine
Forming limit prediction using BBC 2003 yield criterion
for aluminum automotive alloy 51
M. Vos, D. Banabic, P. Jurco, J. Brem, F. Barlat
Formability evaluation in warm conditions of AZ31 magnesium alloy 59
G. Palumbo, D. Sorgente, L. Tricarico, S.H. Zhang, W.T. Zheng, L. X. Zhou
Forming limits of DP600 TWBs during biaxial stretching 67
R. Davies, F. Stavehaug, G. Grant, E. Stephens
Semi-analytical identification of the flow curve extrapolation in consideration
of martensite evolution 75
B. Springub, B.-A. Behrens
Modified maximum force criterion for prediction of FLC and for optimization
of blankholder forces in stamping 83
L. Ben Ayed, A. Delamézière, J.-L. Batoz, C. Knopf-Lenoir
A study on the improvement of forming limit prediction accuracy in sheet metal
forming simulation - gauge length dependency of fracture limit strain - 91
J. Nitta, T. Yoshida, K. Hashimoto, Y. Kuriyama
Testing material formability in hot stamping operations 99
A. Turetta, A. Ghiotti, S. Bruschi
Characterization of yielding and hardening of AA6016 105
W. Hußnätter, M. Merklein
The impact of material testing strategies on the determination
and calibration of different FEM material models 113
L. Kessler, J. Gerlach
Long and short term strategy to deal with material property variation
in sheet-metal forming 121
E. H. Atzema, H. Brouwer, P. Kömmelt
A new method for wrinkling prediction of steel complex-shaped packaging 129
O. Beigneux, J. J. Li, L. Dreystadt, R. Cappelletti, S. Tref, A. Leplomb
Plastic behavior upon reverse loading of steel sheet and its application
to dimensional control of stampings 137
B.S. Levy, C.J. Van Tyne
A model of large-strain cyclic plasticity for accurate springback analysis 145
F. Yoshida, T. Uemori, S. Abe
Finite element analysis of high strength steel stamping process
adopting a combined kinematic-isotropic hardening model: experimental
investigation on the improvements achieved in springback prevision 153
F. Campana, L. Cortese, F. Placidi
Numerical evaluation of the influence of the elastic properties evolution
in springback prediction 161
J. L. Alves, M. C. Oliveira, L.F. Menezes
3D FEM simulation of sheet metal hydrostatic bulging for IF steel sheet metal forming 169
J. P. Abrantes, R. L. L. P. Cerveira, G. F. Batalha
Constitutive modelling of sheet metals in the finite strain regime 177
I. N. Vladimirov, S. Reese
Determination of metal sheet formability using a new technological proofing method 183
R. Hennig, S. E. S. Netto, L. Schaeffer
Basic investigations into wrinkling limits for Incremental sheet forming 191
G. Ambrogio, M. Bambach, L. Filice, G. Hirt
The influence of temperature on the springback behavior of
metal/polymer-laminates 199
M. Weiss, B.F. Rolfe, P.D. Hodgson
Mechanical characterization of automotive aluminium alloys 207
B.M. Chaparro, D.M. Rodrigues, S. Thuillier, J.V. Fernandes, L.F. Menezes
Study of the inelastic response of trip steels after plastic deformation 215
R. Pérez, J. A. Benito, J. M. Prado
A new experimental method to evaluate sheet bending forces
under multiaxial stresses conditions 223
V. Miguel, A. Calatayud, A. Martínez, J. Coello, C. Ferrer
New rotational kinematics in anisotropic elasto–plasticity with damage 231
H. Badreddine, K. Saanouni, A. Dogui
Finite element prediction of fracture onset in sheet metal forming
using a ductile damage model 239
P. Teixeira, F.M. Andrade Pires, A.D. Santos, J. César de Sá
Crystallographic texture changes on zinc coated steel sheets during deformation 247
V. Vaché, M. Knoll, R. Logé, M. Repoux, J.M. Mataigne
An investigation to the effects of cold work and heat treatment processes (warm work)
on the eutectic morphology in ALTHIX (A356) alloy 255
M. Haghshenas, A. Zarei-Hanzaki
Experimental and numerical simulation of the austenite - ferrite phase transformation 259
G. Pariser, U. Prahl, W. Bleck
Constitutive modeling for plastic anisotropy and application
to convolute cut-edge design 267
J.W. Yoon, F. Barlat, R.E. Dick
Sheet forming processes
Different approaches to model the material separation
during blanking process using FEM 271
B.-A. Behrens, K. Bir Sidhu, O. Pösse
Two stage forming: experimental and FE analysis 279
M.C. Oliveira, A.J. Baptista, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes, D.E. Green, T. Gnaeupel-Herold
M.A. Iadicola, T. Foecke, T.B. Stoughton
Numerical simulation of flat-surface roll hemming:
influence of geometry and material models 287
N. Le Maoût, S. Thuillier, P.Y. Manach, D. Debois, J.C. Wadoux
Hot-forming-process important parameters for the production
of high-strength BIW parts 295
S. Sikora, F.-J. Lenze
Development of one step crimping solutions for car industry 303
F. Boór
Experimental identification and numerical verification of the process
window in the warm forming of magnesium sheet metal (AZ31) 311
M. Redecker, K. Roll, S. Hong, H. Hoffmann
Hydromechanical deep drawing of complicated thin walled components
with magnesium alloy AZ31 sheets 319
S. H. Zhang, L. M. Ren, L. X. Zhou, Y. C. Xu, A. Y. Yuan, L. Q. Ruan
Tooling design for warm hydroforming based on temperature pattern analysis 325
A. Aginagalde, J. A. Esnaola, C. García, I. Perez, M. Gutierrez
Service life optimization in the context of cutting high-strength
and highest-strength sheet steels 333
R. Kolleck, J. Danzinger, W. Haidenthaler, M. Kalcher, S. Raschka, C. Lind, J. Winklhofer
Basic investigation into the characteristics of dies and support tools
used in CNC-incremental sheet forming 341
G. Hirt, J. Ames, M. Bambach
Thermal-mechanical coupled simulation on the forming of hot press formed part 349
H.G. Kim, H.S. Son, S.Y. Kang, S.H. Park
Deep drawing behaviour and mechanical properties of tailored hybrid blanks 357
M. Kreimeyer, F. Vollertsen
Numerical simulation of thinning processes 365
B.-A. Behrens, O. Poesse, K. Bir Sidhu, J. Poelmeyer
A gradient based approach for the design of the shape of the blank
in deep drawing of rectangular boxes 371
R. Di Lorenzo, G. Ingarao, F. Micari
One point quadrature solid-shell elements for sheet metal forming applications 379
R. P. R. Cardoso, J.-W. Yoon, R. J. A. de Sousa, R. A. F. Valente, J. J. Grácio
A numerical simulation approach to the aerosols
and food cans manufacture and decoration 387
L. Neamtu, F. Flores, R. Weyler, E. Oñate
Formability investigations for the hot stamping process 395
Y. Dahan, Y. Chastel, P. Duroux, P. Hein, E. Massoni, J. Wilsius
Technology of improving press formability applying press motion control
- advanced multi-stage forming with servo press - 403
Y. Tamai, Y. Yamasaki, A. Yoshitake, T. Imura
Multiple step drawing of high strength HSLA-, dual phase- and martensitic steel sheet 409
M. Fallqvist, B. Carlsson
On the influence of high speed forming technologies in the forming of conical specimens:
fluid–specimen interaction against magnetically induced repulsion 415
P. Jimbert, I. Eguia, E. Iriondo J. I. Fernandez, E. Silveira, I. Garuz
Tailor rolled blanks – experimental and numerical analysis
of the deep drawing behaviour 421
G. Hirt, A. Meyer
Formability assessment of laser welded blanks by numerical and analytical approaches 429
S. Gaied, F. Pinard, F. Schmit, J.-M. Roelandt
Downgauging and optimisation of the base profile of beverage cans
for nose growth and dome reversal 437
G. T. Nagy, H. Mulder, D. Vercammen
Numerical simulation of sheet metal blanking, predicting the material state
near the cut edge 445
A. Ben Ismail, H. Marouani, M. Rachik, E. Hug, M. Fafard
Blank shape optimisation using parametric NURBS surfaces 453
R. Padmanabhan, A.J. Baptista, M.C. Oliveira, M. Tekaya, A. Dogui,
B.H. Salah, J.L. Alves, L.F. Menezes
Modeling of hydromechanical deep drawing process using numerical method 461
M. Zohoor, M. Sima
Hydroforming of partially cladded double blanks 467
M. Kleiner, M. Trompeter, M. Gösling, W. Homberg, H. Karbasian, B. Rauscher
Hydroforming of tailor-welded tubular blanks:
simulation using EAS solid-shell finite elements 475
A.P. Roque, R.A.F. Valente, M.P.L. Parente, R.M. Natal Jorge, A.A. Fernandes
Forming process design and prediction of yield stress change for UOE pipes
by finite element analysis 481
K.-C. Park
Research in the process of deep drawing of sheet molybdenum containers
for growing single crystals 489
E.A. Nazaryana, M. M. Arakelyanb
A case study of web-based expert system for sheet metal forming operations 497
R. S. Hingole, V. M. Nandedkar
Process, control and monitoring
Comparison of two optimization methods of forming operation
for the springback compensation based on numerical simulations 505
Y. Ledoux, E. Pairel, R. Arrieux
Optimization system based on Lmeca – Taguchi’s/neural network methods
for the compensation of errors generated by springback
in the case of draw parts made from metal sheets 513
G. Brabie, F. Ene, C. Axinte
Improvement of springback FEM simulation by means of an optimization procedure
based on an experimental trial 519
A. Mangas, A. Arroyo, I. Fernandez, B. Gonzalez
Shear deformation properties of ultra high strength steel sheet 527
M. Nakata, K. Uematsu, S. Koseki
Parametric die compensation 535
R. Bernard, H. Bühling, M. Heinrich, V. Huthmacher, G. Jung, S. Kulp, S. Richter,
P. Salzmann, R. Struck, M. Taeschner, H. Verhoeven, P. Weigert
Quantitative analysis of robustness in a simulated stamping process 543
T. de Souza, B. Rolfe, J.L. Duncan, P.D. Hodgson
Influence on simulation results from material and process scatter 551
M. Sigvant, B. Carleer
Influence of drawbeads in deep drawing of plane-strain channel sections 559
D. E. Green, T. B. Stoughton, T. Gnaeupel-Herold, M. A. Iadicola, T. Foecke
Springback and twist prediction of roll formed parts 567
Q. V. BUI, R. Boman, L. Papeleux, P. Wouters, R. Kergen,
G. Daolio, P. Duroux, P. Flores, A.M. Habraken, J.P. Ponthot
Numerical study of wrinkling and springback in electromagnetic sheet metal forming 575
J.P.M. Correia, M.A. Siddiqui, S. Ahzi, M.A. Khaleel
High speed laser cutting of metallic thin sheets 581
T. B. Faro, R. M. Miranda, A. A. Fernandes
Advanced tooling design and machine tools
A simplified procedure for the design of multi-layered forming tools 589
assembled by screws
M. Oudjene, J-L. Batoz, L. Penazzi, A. Delamézière, F. Mercier
Die materials, hardening methods and surface coatings for forming
of high, extra high & ultra high strength steel sheets (HSS/EHSS/UHSS) 597
M. Liljengren, K. Kjellsson, T. Johansson, N. Asnafi
Virtual and real prototyping of sheet metal components 605
R. M. O. S. Baptista, M. B. Silva, C. Saraiva
On laser hardening of trimming tools & dies 613
A. Ullman, K. Kjellsson, T. Johansson, N. Asnafi
Improvement of performance of cold forming tools through microstructural tailoring 621
D. Casellas, J. Caro, S. Molas, A. Beltran, J.M. Prado
Tool-part contact
Galling in sheet metal forming of aluminum: a numerical approach 627
E. R.M. Gelinck, E. van der Heidea, M. B. de Rooijb, D. J. Schipperb
Enhancing the wear simulation of sheet metal forming processes
with variable wear coefficients 635
K. Ersoy, G.
Abel D. Santos, A. Barata da Rocha


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