

Principles of Ecology in Plant Production

ISBN: 9781845936549

Autores: T Sinclair, A Weiss

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 192

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

50,56 €56,18 €
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Production of food fibre and fuel is vital for humanity, and as the world population continues to rise, demands on these resources is ever increasing. In a context of growing worldwide concern about sustainability and environmental impacts of cropland, grassland and forestry practices, this textbook provides an introduction to the processes that define the ecology and environment of plant production. Core principles are examined such as soil-plant relationships, genetic manipulation and diversity, yield and water requirements, as well as physical factors such as solar radiation, temperature and weather. Fully updated with new chapters on climate change and biofuels, this edition is an important text for students and researchers in agronomy, forestry, botany, ecology and environmental sciences. Praise for the first edition: 'I highly recommend this book for undergraduate students in plant production courses. It is easy to read, well-structured and of high scientific level…also useful for a more general readership' Scientia Horticulturae
Plant Production

1. Human population, Plant Production and Environmental Issues
2. Ecological Perspective
3. Diversity and Genetics

Climate Resources

4. Weather and Climate
5. Radiant Energy
6. Temperature
7. Environmental Limits to production
8. Changes in Future Climates

Water and Nutrient Resources

9. Water in the Soil
10. Water
11. Climate Change Impact on Plants
12. Nutrients in the Soil
13. Nitrogen and Agricultural Productivity
14. Biofuels
T Sinclair, Visiting Professor, University of Florida, USA,
A Weiss, Professor, University of Nebraska, Lincoln

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