

Powering the Green Economy - The Feed-in Tariff Handbook

ISBN: 9781844078585

Autores: Miguel Mendonça, David Jacobs, Benjamin Sovacool


Número de Páginas: 224

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Effective policy is vital for creating greener economies, new jobs and industries, for securing energy supplies and for protecting the climate and environment. As renewable energy is fundamental to achieving all of these objectives, it too needs the best possible policy to drive it. Feed-in tariffs have proven to deliver the fastest, most cost-effective and inclusive deployment, by allowing anyone to sell renewable energy into the grid and get a long term, guaranteed return for it. This book, from authors who have spent years working on feed-in tariff design and advocacy, provides a broad and detailed resource on feed-in tariffs and other renewable energy support schemes. It shares many lessons on good and bad design and implementation, as well as discussing the challenges faced by policy, and renewable energy in general. Powering the Green Economy:

- Situates renewable energy and feed-in tariffs within the context of the global moves towards a green economy
- Provides an introduction to feed-in tariffs and brings developments in key countries around the world up to date
- Investigates effective design for developed and emerging economies
- Explores technical, social and political issues
- Analyses other support schemes
- Describes the barriers to renewable energy
- Presents a blueprint for campaigning successfully for feed-in tariffs

Written in a clear, practical style, this is a must-read for policymakers, businesses, investors, campaigners, academics, community groups and anyone concerned with creating successful and sustainable energy policy.

'This book should be essential reading for any government committed to a more sustainable energy path. For it is clear from numerous country case studies that feed-in tariffs are among a suite of smart and effective market mechanisms able to catalyze a transition to a low-carbon, innovation-led Green Economy.'
Achim Steiner, UN Under-Secretary General and UN Environment Programme Executive Director

'This insightful book explains how to implement the most effective policy to get onto a path towards renewable energy. For any decision-makers in North America in search of strategies to address climate change, energy security, and employment creation, this is the book.'
Dr David Suzuki, scientist, environmentalist and broadcaster

'With energy now entering a 'golden age' of innovation it is exciting to see a true trans-Atlantic dialog over some of the most effective policy measures; this book details the important U. S. applications of what has proven to be the most successful policy in Europe, the Feed-in Tariff.'
Daniel Kammen, Professor of Energy, University of California, Berkeley

'Moving quickly, as we must, from planet-heating fossil fuels to safe, truly renewable energy depends on citizens' active support and participation. What's great about feed-in tariffs is that they encourage both - and at modest cost. This detailed, comprehensive and surprisingly entertaining book explains how. Read it, and you'll want to help this commonsense approach spread ever faster.'
Frances Moore Lappé, author of Getting a Grip: Clarity, Creativity and Courage in a World Gone Mad

'Germany's successful renewable energy policy makes strategic sense for North America. Read this insightful book. It provides a powerful tool to both halt chaotic climate change and generate green jobs.'
Peter Coyote, actor/author

'Indispensible guidebook to all the public, private and civic methods of shifting our energy from fossil fuels and nuclear power toward solar, wind, energy efficiency and more sustainable communities! Here is all you will ever need to know about feed-in tariffs and all the other viable ways to introduce such new policies and initiatives in your town, state, as well as nationally. Belongs on the shelf of every green activist and decision maker in the USA and Europe particularly.'
Hazel Henderson, EthicalMarkets

1. The Green Economy

2. Basic FIT Design Options

3. Advanced FIT Design Options

4. Bad FIT Design

5. FIT Design Options for Emerging Economies

6. Developments in Selected Countries

7. Dispelling the Myths about Technical Issues

8. Barriers to Renewable Energy Development

9. Other Support Schemes

10. Campaigning for FITs

Miguel Mendonça is the Research Manager for the World Future Council. He is a writer and advocate, and the author of Feed-in Tariffs: Accelerating the Deployment of Renewable Energy, and A Renewable World - policies, practices & technologies.
David Jacobs is a researcher and PhD candidate at the Environmental Policy Research Centre in Berlin (FFU) focusing on support mechanisms for renewable electricity.
Dr. Benjamin K. Sovacool is an Assistant Professor at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy at the National University of Singapore. He is also a Research Fellow in the Energy Governance Program at the Centre on Asia and Globalization.

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