

Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings 3rd Edition With Web

ISBN: 9781450465793

Autores: Barry Lavay, Ron French, Hester Henderson


Número de Páginas: 296

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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It’s never been more challenging to manage behavior and motivate students in a physical activity setting.

There are more at-risk children and students with disabilities to manage. Physical activity professionals also face the unique challenge of providing instruction to large groups with limited resources and distractions galore. If not handled correctly, these challenges can quickly add up to chaos, ineffective instruction, and frustrated, burnt-out physical activity professionals.

That’s where the third edition of Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings, Third Edition comes in. This resource will help you not only overcome those and other discipline challenges, but also use tried-and-true, positive techniques to develop appropriate and responsible behaviors and good character among all learners.

This new edition incorporates principles, methods, and instructional practices from psychology, special education, pedagogy, recreation, athletics, and coaching. It shows teachers, coaches, and recreation leaders how to apply the principles that have proven effective in schools, youth sport programs, and recreation sites.

Positive Behavior Management in Physical Activity Settings offers this new material:
A new chapter on bullying, providing up-to-date information to help you recognize and manage such behavior within your group
A new chapter on children with special needs, including autism spectrum disorder, attention deficit disorder, learning disabilities, intellectual disabilities, traumatic brain injury, and behavioral/emotional disabilities
A new chapter on behavior management ethics and professionalism, to help those who are preparing to be physical activity professionals at the pre-service and in-service levels
New sections on motivating children who are overweight or obese, using the latest research to help you to encourage them to participate
Also new to this edition are an instructor guide and a web resource. The instructor guide offers different sample syllabi, showing various ways to teach the course; sample assignments; answers to chapter review questions; suggested further readings; and useful websites and apps. The web resource supplies behavior management scenarios, sample forms (checklists, rubrics, certificates, worksheets) from the chapters, instructions for designing an Applied Behavior Analysis graph and a trifold display, useful websites and apps, and a glossary by chapter.

This text provides you with evidence-based strategies in managing special needs populations, including designing a positive behavioral support (PBS) model and a behavioral intervention plan (BIP), as well as information on response to intervention (RTI).

The authors have added a fourth section to this new edition. Part I details the challenges that professionals face in developing a positive learning environment, and shows readers how to be proactive in doing so. Part II outlines the interventions that physical activity professionals have successfully used in a variety of settings. This part includes chapters that discuss behavioral, humanistic, and biophysical approaches. The final chapter in this section addresses how to evaluate the behavior intervention.

Part III explores behavior management with various populations, and offers the new chapters on bullying and on special needs children. In part IV, the authors discuss ethical and professional behavior of physical activity professionals relative to the application of behavior management techniques used with children and youth with a focus on professionalism. The final chapter will synthesize the information presented in this text and assist the reader to take the appropriate steps needed to develop a working, teaching, and behavior management portfolio.
Part I Creating a Positive Learning Environment
Chapter 1. Introduction to Behavior Management
Behavior Management Misunderstood
What Is Behavior Management Misunderstood
What Is Behavior Management?
Tolerance Levels
Behavior Management Must Be Taught
When Behavior Is Extreme
School and Community Sport and Recreation
Characteristics of Effective and Highly Qualified Physical Activity Specialists
General Use of Positive and Proactive Methods
Use Support Resources
Need for Knowledge Sharing
What’s to Come?
What Do You Think?
Case Studies Behavior Management?
Tolerance Levels
Behavior Management Must Be Taught
When Behavior Is Extreme
School and Community Sport and Recreation
Characteristics of Effective and Highly Qualified Physical Activity Specialists
General Use of Positive and Proactive Methods
Use Support Resources
Need for Knowledge Sharing
What’s to Come?
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 2. Preventing Inappropriate Behaviors and Promoting Positive Behaviors
Why Be Proactive?
Identify Behaviors
Proactive Management Plan
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Part II Exploring Behavior Management Approaches
Chapter 3. The Behavioral Approach: Maintaining and Increasing Behaviors
Maintaining and Increasing Behaviors
What Is the Behavioral Approach?
What Is Reinforcement?
Types of Positive Reinforcement
Reinforcement Menus
Reinforcement Schedules
Positive Reinforcement Methods
What Do You Think?
Case StudiesChapter 4. The Behavioral Approach: Redirecting and Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviors
Redirecting and Decreasing Inappropriate Behaviors
Creating Your Learning Environment
Differential Reinforcement
Corrective Methods
Managing Aggressive Behaviors
Crisis Intervention
Negative Side Effects of Severe Corrective Methods
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 5. The Humanistic Approach: Accepting Social and Personal Responsibility and Building Character
What Is the Humanistic Approach?
Responsibility Models
Positive Coaching
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 6. The Biophysical Approach: Biological Variables to Behavior
Biological Variables to Behavior
Relaxation Training
Medication, Disabilities, and Behavior
Medical Privacy
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 7. Evaluating the Behavioral Intervention
Behavioral Change Process
What Do You Think?
Case StudiesPart III Behavior Management Challenges
Chapter 8. Bullying of Children and Youth
The Problem of Bullying
Bullying in the Physical Activity Environment
Adult Bullies
Profile of a Bully
Who Are the Victims of Bullying?
Bullying Prevention and Intervention Strategies
State and District Policies on Bullying
Conflict Management
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 9. Children and Youth With Unique Needs
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
Autism Spectrum Disorder
Behavioral Disorders
Intellectual Disabilities
School-Age Overweight and Obesity Issues
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
General Methods to Manage Behaviors for All Disabilities
Behavioral Intervention Plan
What Are PBS and RTI?
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Part IV Behavior Management in Practice
Chapter 10. Behavior Management, Ethics, and Professionalism
Professional Ethics and the Use of Punishment in Physical Activity Environments
Physical Activity Professional Preparation
Parents, Coaches, and Ethics
Administrators, Physical Activity Specialists, and Behavior Management
Student Discipline at the College or University Level
Ethics, Behavior Management, and Research
What Do You Think?
Case Studies
Chapter 11. Steps for Developing a Behavior Management Portfolio
Step 1: Develop Your Philosophy of Teaching as a Physical Activity Professional
Step 2: Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Physical Activity Professional
Step 3: Establish Teaching Goals for Your Setting
Step 4: Develop Your Philosophy of Behavior Management
Step 5: Examine Your Strengths and Weaknesses as a Behavior Manager
Step 6: Establish Behavior Management Goals for Your Setting
Step 7: Implement and Evaluate the Behavioral Objectives
Step 8: Be Reflective
Ongoing Evaluation
Summary: You Can Do It!
Barry W. Lavay, PhD, is a professor of adapted physical education at California State University at Long Beach. He has authored or coauthored more than 15 texts and chapters and more than 60 juried articles in physical education and special education journals. He has made close to 100 presentations at the international, national, regional, and state levels and given numerous seminars and workshops.

Lavay has spent four decades as a university professor in physical education teacher education and as a public school physical education teacher. He has been a member of SHAPE America since 1973 and has been a fellow member of the AAHPERD Research Consortium since 1989. He served on the steering committee for the Adapted Physical Education National Standards Project from 1992 to 1997. He also was a member of the California AHPERD Council on Adaptive Physical Education for five years.

Ron French, EdD, CAPE, is professor emeritus in the department of kinesiology at Texas Woman’s University in Denton. In 1971 Dr. French received his doctorate in special education and special physical education from the University of California at Los Angeles.

Since 1981 he has taught a graduate course on behavior management in physical education and sport. A former public school physical educator, he has presented at more than 100 workshops, conferences, and conventions and written or coauthored more than 72 articles and two manuals on behavior management. Dr. French has earned such awards as the TWU Carnaro Professor Award and the Texas Piper Professor Award.

Hester L. Henderson, PhD, taught adapted physical education for one year at Iowa State University and then joined the faculty in the department of exercise and sport science at the University of Utah, where she has taught since 1983.

She has written and administered 26 grants, primarily in professional preparation, totaling $6.2 million. She has authored or coauthored 41 manuscripts and has coauthored or been a major contributor to eight books and four book chapters. She was a major contributor to the revision of the first edition of the book Adapted Physical Education National Standards and the Adapted Physical Education National Standards Study Guide.

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