

Poisonous Plants - 2nd edition

ISBN: 9781874545941

Autores: Dietrich Frohne, Hans Jurgen Pfander

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 450

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2005

50,89 €56,54 €
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A Handbook for Pharmacists, doctors, Toxicologists, Biologists and Veterinarians.

Many garden flowers, decorative trees, house plants and wild plants contain substances which can lead to poisoning in man or animals. Next to medicines and household chemicals, plants or parts of plants occupy third place in the statistics of Poison Information Centres relating to children. Plants from all over the world are found in most domestic environments. The majority covered here originate in temperate zones, and the text comprehensively identifies potentially dangerous plants, their distribution, level of toxicity, symptoms of poisoning and suggested treatment. Illustrations range from actual size colour and black/white photos to enlarged representations of microscopically recognisable features in fruits and leaves.

The first edition of Poisonous Plants was extremely well received, praised for its combination of wide coverage, ease of use and superb colour illustrations. The second edition is a complete revision, and contains over 50% additional text and illustrative material, with special attention to North America. The new edition of this practical reference has proved invaluable for a wide range of professional groups.
1. Problems arising from poisoning by plants
2. Toxicologically significant plant constituents
3. The most important plants with alleged or actual toxic properties
4. Selected plants of veterinary importance
5. Berry-like fruits - a tabular synopsis
6. Compilation of leaf characters
7. Bibliographical references
8. Glossary of botanical terms
Dietrich Frohne
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology Christian-Albrecht's University, Kiel, Germany Hans Jurgen Pfander
Department of Pharmaceutical Biology Christian-Albrecht's University, Kiel, Germany

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