

Plants, Biotechnology and Agriculture

ISBN: 9781845936884

Autor: D Murphy

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 320

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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At a time when the world's food supplies are increasingly unable to meet the needs of a burgeoning population, the subject matter of this book has never been more relevant. At the same time, there is significant diversity of opinion concerning the benefits and perceived dangers of the applications of biotechnology in food production. To help inform this debate, the aim of Plants, Biotechnology & Agriculture is to provide the reader with a comprehensive yet concise overview of plants as both biological organisms and useful resources for people to exploit.

The first half of the book gives a basic overview of plant biology including how plants develop and respond to their environment, acting as a primer for those without a biology background and a refresher for students of plant biology and agriculture. These chapters set the scene for an outline of human exploitation of plants, from domestication to scientific manipulation. The complex technologies now being applied to improving crops are then described, guiding the reader through the extensive terminologies and jargon, using focus boxes to illustrate key processes and issues. The final two chapters address society's response to biotechnology, how these technologies are being modified in response to public concerns, and new technologies being developed to meet the challenges of rapid population growth, depletion of non-renewable resources and climate change.
Part I: Plants and their Genomes

1. Plants and their Exploitation by People
2. Photosynthesis and the Evolution of Plants
3. Plant Molecular Genetics and Genomics

Part II: How Plants Function

4. Plant Metabolism
5. Plant Organization and Development
6. Plant Responses to the Environment

Part III: How Plants are Manipulated

7. Domestication and the Empirical Exploitation of Plants
8. The Scientific Manipulation of Plants
9. Crop Improvement in the 20th Century

Part IV: Plants, Society and the Future

10. Plant Biotechnologies in the 21st Century
11. Social Context of Plant Biotechnologies
12. Future Challenges for Plant Biotechnology
Professor of Biotechnology, University of Glamorgan, UK

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