

Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology

ISBN: 9781420083262

Autores: Robert N. Trigiano, Dennis J. Gray

Editora: CRC PRESS

Número de Páginas: 608

Idioma: Italiano

Data Edição: 2010

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Under the vast umbrella of Plant Sciences resides a plethora of highly specialized fields. Botanists, agronomists, horticulturists, geneticists, and physiologists each employ a different approach to the study of plants and each for a different end goal. Yet all will find themselves in the laboratory engaging in what can broadly be termed biotechnology.

Addressing a wide variety of related topics, Plant Tissue Culture, Development, and Biotechnology gives the practical and technical knowledge needed to train the next generation of plant scientists regardless of their ultimate specialization. With the detailed perspectives and hands-on training signature to the authors’ previous bestselling books, Plant Development and Biotechnology and Plant Tissue Culture Concepts and Laboratory Exercises, this book discusses relevant concepts supported by demonstrative laboratory experiments. It provides critical thinking questions, concept boxes highlighting important ideas, and procedure boxes giving precise instruction for experiments, including step-by-step procedures, such as the proper microscope use with digital photography, along with anticipated results, and a list of materials needed to perform them.

Integrating traditional plant sciences with recent advances in plant tissue culture, development, and biotechnology, chapters address germplasm preservation, plant growth regulators, embryo rescue, micropropagation of roses, haploid cultures, and transformation of meristems. Going beyond the scope of a simple laboratory manual, this book also considers special topics such as copyrights, patents, legalities, trade secrets, and the business of biotechnology.

Focusing on plant culture development and its applications in biotechnology across a myriad of plant science specialties, this text uses a broad range of species and practical laboratory exercises to make it useful for anyone engaged in the plant sciences.
Getting started with tissue culture — media preparation, sterile technique and laboratory equipment, C.A. Beyl
Laboratory Exercise: Nutrition of cell and organ cultures
Plant growth regulators in plant tissue culture and development
Elements of in vitro research
Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Proper use of microscopes
Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Plant histological techniques
A brief introduction to plant anatomy and morphology
A brief introduction to plant anatomy and morphology, R.N. Trigiano, J.A. Franklin and D.J. Gray
Seed development and germination
Concept/Labortory Exercise: Molecular tools for studying plant genetic diversit
Molecular approaches to the study of plant development
Propagation from meristematic tissue -- shoot culture
Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation of Sygonium by shoot culture
Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation and in vitro flowering of rose
Laboratory Exercise: Micropropagation of potato by node culture and microtuber production,
Detection and elimination of microbial endophytes and prevention of contamination in plant tissue cultures
Laboratory Exercise: Culture indexing for bacterial and fungal contaminants
Propagation from nonmeristematic tissues
Developing a molecular understanding of in vitro and in planta shoot organogenesis
Laboratory Exercise: Direct shoot organogenesis from chrysanthemum and african violet leaves
Propagation from nonmeristematic tissues - nonzygotic embryogenesis
Developmental and molecular aspects of nonzygotic (somatic) embryogenesis
Laboratory Exercise: Embryogenic callus and suspension cultures from leaves of orchardgrass
Laboratory Exercise: Direct non-zygotic embryogenesis from leaves of cineraria
Protoplasts – an increasingly valuable tool in plant research
Laboratory Exercise: Demonstration of principles of protoplast isolation using chrysanthemum and orchardgrass leaves
Laboratory Exercise: Isolation, culture and fusion of tobacco and potato protoplasts
Haploid cultures
Laboratory Exercise: Haploid plants from tobacco and potato anthers
Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Embryo rescue
Promoters and gene expression regulation
Genetic engineering technologies,
Concept/Laboratory Exercise: Transformation of plant meristems
Laboratory Exercise: Genetic transformation of chysanthemum and tobacco using Agrobacterium tumefaciens
Laboratory Exercise: Genetic transformation of tobacco and production of transgenic plants
Genetically modified plant controversies: Sensational headlines versus pragmatic research
Cryopreservation of plant cells, tissues and organs
Laboratory Exercise: Vitrification as a method to cryopreserve shoot tips
Laboratory Exercise: Cryopreservation of orthodox and recalcitrant seed
Plant Biotechnology for the Production of Natural Products
Laboratory Exercise: Pigment production in Ajuga cell culture
Biotechnology entrepreneurship in the 21st century: From bench to ba
Intellectual property protection for plants
Robert N. Trigiano, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA; Dennis J. Gray, University of Florida, Apopka, USA

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