

Plant Structure, 2nd edition - A Colour Guide

ISBN: 9781840760927

Autores: Bryan G. Bowes, James D. Mauseth

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 288

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2008

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This fundamental guide to understanding plant structure offers plant scientists, plant biologists and horticulturalists in practice, academic life and in training a combination of concise scientific text and superb colour photographs and drawings.

The book deals with the development and mature form of plants, focusing on structure at anatomical, histological and fine structure levels. Appropriate emphasis is given to plants of economic importance.

The new and totally revised edition has been expanded by 30% with 194 new photos and diagrams. The original author has been joined by Dr James Mauseth to create a formidable partnership of teaching and research experience from Europe and North America.

Key elements of the revised book include: recent findings (supplemented by DNA analysis) on the classification of flowering plants; current concepts of plant wall structure; detailed description of eg. leaves as insectivorous traps; spines in cacti, desert plants adapted for water storage, saltmarsh and aquatic plants; a new section on asexual plant multiplication; additional bibliography and website resources.

Plant Structure - A Colour Guide is designed as a tool for teaching and revision at undergraduate and graduate levels, as a complement to traditional textbooks for professionals and researchers, and as a general reference for non-specialists.

2.The plant cell

3.Plant histology

4.Apical meristems

5.The green leaf

6.The stem

7.The root

8.Plant reproduction.

Bryan G. Bowes
Formerly Senior Lecturer at the Division of Environmental and Evolutionary Biology, University of Glasgow, UK

James D. Mauseth
Professor , Integrative Biology, School of Biological Sciences, The University of Texas, Austin, Texas, USA

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