

Plant Nematodes of Agricultural Importance - A Colour Handbook

ISBN: 9781840760637

Autores: John Bridge, Jim L. Starr

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 152

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2007

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The microscopic soil and plant nematodes that are parasitic on crop plants can be very damaging, and are generally not visible to the naked eye. Their microscopic size means that associating them with crop damage is mainly dependent on determining the symptoms of their effects on plants or plant growth. The damage and symptoms caused can be visible above ground but, apart from poor growth and yield of the plants, the specific nematode can only be seen below the ground in the plant organs; mainly the roots, rhizomes, bulbs, corms and tubers.

This book aims to help people working commercially with crop plants to identify and improve their diagnosis of nematodes of agricultural importance. There is an introductory chapter on nematode biology and parasitism, and the crops they are likely to attack. Crop chapters are divided into grain legumes, vegetables, flower crops, cereals, root and tuber crops, tree and plantation crops. Coverage includes distribution, identification, symptoms and diagnosis, with management suggestions also presented. A final chapter outlines common methods used in nematology.

This book is invaluable to a range of professionals including growers, farmers and students working in crop protection, plant pathology, and agriculture.
Table of Contents


1.Plant Nematode Biology and Parasitism

2.Grain Legumes


4.Flower Crops


6.Root and Tuber Crops

7.Tree and Plantation Crops

8.Collection, Extraction, and Preservation of Plant Nematode for Diagnosis


John Bridge, PhD CABI
Bioscience, Egham, Surrey, UK

Jim L. Starr, PhD
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Texas A & M University, USA


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