

Plant Mutation Breeding and Biotechnology

ISBN: 9781780640853

Autores: Q Shu, B Forster, H Nakagawa

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 616

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2012

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This comprehensive book covers the underlying scientific principles, state-of-the-art technologies and methodologies of plant mutagenesis. It covers historical development and commonly used terminologies, chemical and physical mutagenesis, mutation induction, mutation breeding and mutations in functional genomics research. Suitable both as a manual for professionals and a resource for students in plant breeding and research, the book includes exemplary cases of practical applications and an appendix of recommended doses of gamma and fast neutron irradiation for almost 200 plant species
SECTION I - Concepts, Historical Development and Genetic Basis

1. Plant Mutagenesis in Crop Improvement: Basic Terms and Applications
2. A Brief History of Plant Mutagenesis
3. The Structure and Regulation of Genes and Consequences of Genetic Mutations
4. Mutation Categories
5. DNA Repair Pathways and Genes in Plant
6. Double-Stranded DNA Break, Repair and Associated Mutations

SECTION II - Mutagens and Induced Mutagenesis

7. Mutagenic Radiations: X-Rays, Ionizing Particles and Ultra Violet
8. Gamma Irradiation
9. Ion Beam Radiation Mutagenesis
10. Ion Implantation Mutagenesis
11. Effects of Radiation on Living Cells and Plants
12. Chemical Mutagenesis
13. Sodium Azide as a Mutagen

SECTION III - Mutation Induction and Mutant Development

14. Methodology for Physical and Chemical Mutagenic Treatments
15. Chimeras and Mutant Gene Transmission
16. Chimeras: Properties and Dissociation in Vegetatively Propagated Plants
17. Mutation Induction in Cytoplasmic Genomes
18. Strategies and Approaches in Mutant Population Development for Mutant Selection in Seed Propagated Crops
19. Irradiation - Facilitated Chromosomal Translocation: Wheat As An Example
20. Molecular Techniques and Methods for Mutation Detection and Screening in Plants
21. Discovery of Chemically Induced Mutations by TILLING
22. A Protocol for TILLING and EcoTILLING
23. Applications of DNA Marker Techniques in Plant Mutation Research

SECTION IV - Mutation Breeding

24. Principles and Applications of Plant Mutation Breeding
25. Mutant Phenotyping and Pre-Breeding in Barley
26. Mutation Breeding of Vegetatively Propagated Crops
27. Uses of TILLING® For Crop Improvement
28. Applications of in vitro Techniques in Mutation Breeding of Vegetatively Propagated Crops
29. Haploid Mutagenesis
30. Use of Irradiated Pollen to Induce Parthenogenesis and Haploid Production in Fruit Crops
31. Herbicide - Tolerant Crops Developed from Mutations
32. Mutation Breeding for Fatty Acid Composition in Soybean
33. Genetic Improvement of Basmati RiceThrough Mutation Breeding
34. Mutation Breeding of Sweet Cherry (Prunus avium L.) var. 0900 Ziraat

SECTION V - Mutations in Functional Genomics

35. Cloning Genes for Mineral Uptake: Examples Using Rice Mutants
36. Molecular Genetics of Symbiotic Plant-Microbe Interactions in a Model Legume, Lotus Japonicus
37. Mutational Dissection of the Phytochrome Genetic Systems in Rice
38. T-DNA Insertion Mutagenesis
39. Transposon Mutagenesis for Functional Genomics
40. Site-Directed Mutagenesis in Higher Plants
41. Phenomics in Plant Biological Research and Mutation Breeding

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