

Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Peas and Beans - A Colour Handbook

ISBN: 9781840760187

Autores: Anthony Biddle, Barry M McKeown, Nigel D Cattlin

Editora: MANSON

Número de Páginas: 280

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2007

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Anthony Biddle is among the most respected scientists in the pea and bean industry worldwide. Nigel Cattlin has an international reputation for agricultural and horticultural photography of the highest order. They have created between them a concise and practical guide to the protection of pea and bean crops, with descriptions of symptoms linked throughout to photographs and to notes on prevention and control.

Intensive production of peas and beans can often result in the increased incidence of pests and diseases, putting crops at risk from yield loss or reduction in quality. The book deals systematically with pests, and with the fungal, bacterial and viral diseases affecting peas and beans from seedling to produce. It assists the reader in the early and rapid recognition of problems and provides guidance in dealing with them.

Pests, Diseases and Disorders of Peas and Beans is of value as a field guide for growers, advisers and extension workers, and as a lasting reference for researchers.

1.Peas and beans in agriculture, Pea and Bean production, Quick guide to diagnosis

2.Diseases of Seedlings and Young Plants

3.Pests of Seedlings and Young Plants

4.Fungal and Bacterial Diseases

5.Viral Diseases

6.Pests of Stem, Foilage and Produce

7.Seedling and Crop Disorders

Further Reading

Anthony Biddle
Processors and Growers Research Organisation, Peterborough, UK

Barry M McKeown
Processors and Growers Research Organisation, Peterborough, UK

Nigel D Cattlin
Holt Studios International, UK


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