

Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education-2nd E

ISBN: 9780736083607

Autores: Jacalyn Lund, Mary Fortman Kirk


Número de Páginas: 288

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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While performance-based assessment has long been a staple of education, no book covers the relevant topics for middle and high school physical education as thoroughly as this new edition of Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education. This updated edition reflects the current NASPE standards and includes new ancillary materials, more examples for educators, and a new chapter about assessing fitness.

This text will help you
• develop assessments and implement them into your curriculum, making the assessment process a natural part of instruction;
• provide feedback to students so they know what they have accomplished and what they still need to do; and
• use a variety of tools—including open-response questions, game play and modified game play, and progressive assessments—to measure student learning.

The authors break down this complex subject into easily digestible pieces and show you how to develop assessments that will help you and your students work together to enhance the instructional process in physical education. The authors, who have over three decades of experience teaching and assessing in public schools, describe the various types of performance-based assessments and show how to implement the assessments, using numerous models as examples to be adapted to your own situations.

Not only will you learn how to develop and use assessments to help students, but you will also receive unit plans for team, individual, and dual sports that you can modify for use in your own classes. You’ll learn how to create rubrics, use portfolios in the assessment process, and integrate assessments into fitness education and physical education. You’ll also explore the challenges with traditional grading practices and find out how to overcome those challenges.

The authors provide a wealth of tools for assessing students according to local, state, and NASPE standards while helping students reach their goals. The text is supported by a Web site that includes a test package, a presentation package with PowerPoint slides, an instructor guide, and a CD-ROM that includes additional forms and assessments.

Performance-Based Assessment for Middle and High School Physical Education, Second Edition, will help you develop authentic assessments and get the most out of the assessment experience. And in doing so, it will help your students experience success.
Part I: Introduction to Performance-Based Assessment
Chapter 1. The Need for Change
The Call for Change in Physical Education
Standards-Based Instruction
Types of Assessment in Standards-Based Instruction
Effect on Teaching When Standards Are Used
Need for More Assessment in Physical Education
Role of Assessment in Physical Education Programs
The Switch to Performance-Based Assessment

Chapter 2. What Is Continuous Performance-Based Assessment?
Characteristics of Performance-Based Assessment
Types of Performance-Based Assessment
How Performance-Based Assessments Change Instruction
Advantages of Performance-Based Assessments
What to Avoid When Using Performance-Based Assessments

Part II: Components of Performance-Based Assessment
Chapter 3. Rubrics
What Is a Rubric?
Benefits of Using Rubrics
Criteria for Rubrics
Simple Scoring Guides
Point System Scoring Guides
Choices in Writing Rubrics
How to Create Rubrics
Special Considerations in Creating Rubrics
Rubric Hints and Guidelines

Chapter 4. Developing Performance-Based Assessments
Game Play and Modified Game Play
Role Play
Event Tasks
Student Performances
Student Projects
Student Logs

Chapter 5. Open-Response Questions
Open-Response Questions Versus Essay Questions
Characteristics of Open-Response Questions
Types of Open-Response Questions
How to Write Open-Response Questions
Suggestions for Using Open-Response Questions

Chapter 6. Portfolios
Characteristics of Portfolios
Types of Portfolios
Portfolio Guidelines in Performance-Based Assessment
Evaluating Portfolios

Chapter 7. Developing Culminating and Progressive Assessments
Culminating (Summative) Assessments
Progressive Learning Activities and Assessments
Tumbling Unit
Target Archery Unit
Golf Unit

Chapter 8. Planning for Continuous Performance-Based Assessment
Major Unit Focus
Culminating (Summative) Assessment and Evaluation Rubric
Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Progressive Learning Activities and Formative Assessments
Critical Resources
Planning Lessons From the Unit Plan
Part III: Implementing Continuous Performance-Based Assessment
Chapter 9. Continuous Performance-Based Assessment in Team Sports
Major Unit Focus
Culminating (Summative) Assessment and Evaluation Rubric
Essential Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities
Progressive Learning Activities and Formative Assessments
Critical Resources
How to Use the Student Soccer Portfolio

Chapter 10. Assessing Fitness and Physical Activity Participation
New Strategies and Recommendations for Fitness Education and Assessment
Integrating Fitness Education and Assessment into the Physical Education Curriculum
Resources for Fitness Education Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment
Using Pedometers to Assess Physical Activity Participation Levels
Sample Authentic Assessment Strategies for Fitness and Physical Activity Participation

Chapter 11. Effective Grading in Physical Education
Purposes of Grading and Grade Reporting
Developing a Meaningful Grading System
Problems With Traditional Grading Practices
Grade Formats in Physical Education
Effective Grading in Physical Education
Challenges in Using Effective Grading Practices
Grading Practices for Students With Special Needs
Hints and Suggestions for More Effective Grading Practices

Chapter 12. Acquiring Assessment Savvy
Planning the Assessment Process
Lund and Kirk’s Tips for Acquiring Assessment Savvy

Jacalyn Lea Lund, PhD, is an associate professor and chair in the department of kinesiology and health at Georgia State University in Atlanta. She has been a teacher educator since 1989 and had 16 years of teaching experience in the public schools prior to that. She has presented on assessment at numerous workshops and has taught numerous classes on assessment in physical education.

Dr. Lund has been a member of the National Association for Sport and Physical Education (NASPE) for more than 30 years. She was on the committee that developed the 1995 NASPE content standards for physical education and has served as NASPE president. In 2009 she received a Service Award from the National Association of Kinesiology and Physical Education in Higher Education. She loves spending time with her family, dancing, reading, and, as she puts it, “having her dogs take her for a walk.”

Mary Fortman Kirk, PhD, is a professor of physical education at NorthernKentuckyUniversity, where she coordinates health and physical education programs. She also taught physical education at the high school level for 10 years. Kirk has given many presentations on portfolios and alternative assessment at conferences, including AAHPERD, NASPE, and the National Association for Physical Education in Higher Education. She was appointed by the Kentucky commissioner of education to serve on the state task force for the development of physical education assessment and performance assessment of new teachers.

Kirk earned an MA in motor learning and physical education from MichiganStateUniversity in 1973 and a PhD in motor development and teacher preparation from OhioStateUniversity in 1989. She is the author of two books on pre-sport development programs for the National Alliance for Youth Sports and the Girl Scouts of the USA.

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