

PACS and Imaging Informatics: Basic Principles and Applications, 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780470373729

Autor: H. K. Huang

Editora: WILEY.

Número de Páginas: 978

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2010

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In recent years the field of picture archiving and communications systems - PACS - and image informatics has advanced due to both conceptual and technological developments. The new edition of the first and best-selling book on this growing subject addresses the latest in PACS, from the electronic patient record to the full range of topics in digital imaging. In contrast to the previous edition, this updated text uses the framework of image informatics, not physics or engineering principles, to explain PACS. This book is the only resource that thoroughly covers the critical issues of hardware/software design and implementation in a systematic and easily comprehensible manner.
FOREWORD. PREFACE. PREFACE OF THE LAST EDITION. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. H. K. HUANG SHORT BIOGRAPHY. LIST OF ACRONYMS. 1. Introduction. PART I MEDICAL IMAGING PRINCIPLES. 2. Digital Medical Image Fundamentals. 3. Two-Dimensional Medical Imaging. 4. Three-Dimensional Medical Imaging. 5. Four-Dimensionality, Multimodality, and Fusion of Medical Imaging. 6. Image Compression. PART II PACS FUNDAMENTALS. 7. Picture Archiving and Communication System Components and Workflow. 8. Communications and Networking. 9. Industrial Standards (HL7 and DICOM) and Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE). 10. Image Acquisition Gateway. 11. PCS Server and Archive. 12. Display Workstation. 13. Integration of HIS, RIS, PACS, and ePR. PART III PACS OPERATION. 14. PACS Data Management and Web-Based Image Distribution. 15. Telemedicine and Teleradiology. 16. Fault-Tolerant PACS and Enterprise PACS. 17. Image/Data Security. 18. PACS Clinical Implementation, Acceptance, and Evaluation. 19. PACS Clinical Experience, Pitfalls, and Bottlenecks. PART IV PACS- AND DICOM-BASED IMAGING INFORMATICS. 20. DICOM-Based Medical Imaging Informatics. 21. Data Grid for PACS and Medical Imaging Informatics. 22. Multimedia Electronic Patient Record (ePR) System. 23. Multimedia Electronic Patient Record System in Radiation Therapy. 24. Multimedia Electronic Patient Record (ePR) System for Image-Assisted.Spinal Surgery. 25. Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) and Image-Guided Decision Support. 26. Integration of Computer-Aided Diagnosis (CAD) with PACS. 27. Location Tracking and Verification System in Clinical Environment. 28. New Directions in PACS and Medical Imaging Informatics Training. PACS AND IMAGING INFORMATICS GLOSSARY. INDEX.
H.K. Huang, D.Sc., FRCR (Hon.), is Professor and Director of Informatics in the Department of Radiology at the Children's Hospital Los Angeles, University of Southern California. He also holds the position of Chair and Professor of Medical Informatics at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, and is Honorary Professor at the Shanghai Institute of Technical Physics, The Chinese Academy of Sciences. Dr. Huang is a pioneer in picture archiving and communication system (PACS) research. He is a consultant to numerous hospitals worldwide for developing PAC systems. Dr. Huang has been awarded honorary fellowships by the Royal College of Radiologists (UK), the American Institute of Medical and Biological Engineering (AIMBE), and the EuroPACS Society.


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