

Pacing - Individual Strategies for Optimal Performance

ISBN: 9781450421232

Autor: Kevin Thompson


Número de Páginas: 240

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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We’ve all heard the advice “Pace yourself. Save energy and finish strong.” It sounds simple enough, so why is it so hard? Why do even supremely conditioned elite athletes mismanage their energy supplies and fail to finish strong? Pacing: Individual Strategies for Optimal Performance examines the latest science, research, and application in search of answers.

This guide explores the role of pacing in sports, the most common strategies used, the factors that influence effectiveness, and key considerations for today’s athletes and coaches.
Part I: Science and Philosophy of Pacing

Chapter 1 What Is Pacing?
Chapter 2 Understanding Pacing Strategies
Chapter 3 Physiology of Pacing
Chapter 4 Psychology of Pacing
Chapter 5 Adapting Pacing Strategies

Part II: Applications for Sport

Chapter 6 Swimming
Chapter 7 Cycling
Chapter 8 Speed Skating
Chapter 9 Running
Chapter 10 Olympic and Ironman Triathlon
Chapter 11 Rowing
Chapter 12 Football
Chapter 13 Tennis and Squash
Chapter 14 Basketball
Kevin G. Thompson, PhD, is director of the Research Institute for Sport and Exercise at the University of Canberra, Australia. He has previously held administrative positions at Canberra and at Northumbria University in the UK. He has held senior positions in elite athlete support, including director of sport sciences and regional director at the English Institute of Sport from 2002 to 2009 and manager of coaching, sport science, and sports medicine at the Welsh Institute of Sport from 1999 to 2002. He is a member of the Australian Institute of Sport High-Performance Sport Research Advisory Panel and former chair of the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences (BASES) sport and performance division and special sport science committee. He is a fellow of BASES and a fellow of the American College of Sports Medicine. Thompson is a BASES-accredited high-performance sport physiologist. Since 1994, he has practised as an applied sport scientist supporting professional rugby and soccer players and elite athletes who have competed at Olympic Games and European and World Championships.

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