

Oxford Handbook of Medical Dermatology - 2nd Edition

ISBN: 9780198747925

Autores: Susan Burge, Rubeta Matin, Dinny Wallis

Editora: OXFORD

Número de Páginas: 720

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2016

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This second edition of the Oxford Handbook of Medical Dermatology provides practical and accessible advice on how to reach a diagnosis or create a management plan when faced with patients with a range of skin conditions.

Giving concise and clear guidance on investigation and treatment, this Handbook helps doctors adopt a step-by-step approach at the bedside to make sense of skin problems by analysing clinical signs. Illustrated and in full colour, it covers skin physiology, an overview of common skin conditions, and skin problems commonly seen in a broad range of specialities, from rheumatology to psychiatry, as well as children and the elderly.

Now comprehensively updated with new clinical pictures, references, and extensively reworked chapters on skin in infancy and childhood, cutaneous reactions to drugs, skin tumours, and rheumatology. This second edition now includes a brand new chapter on skin and genetics, detailing this fast-growing and important area of dermatology, promoting good communication with a patient-centred and practical common-sense approach for trainees in dermatology, junior doctors, GPs, and medical students.
1: Structure and function of the skin
2: The history in dermatology
3: Examination of the skin
4: What is the diagnosis?
5: Skin failure and emergency dermatology
6: Bacterial and spirochaetal infections
7: Viral and fungal infections
8: Infestations and parasites
9: Psoriasis
10: Eczema and lichen planus
11: Urticaria and erythema
12: Pustular rashes
13: Blisters
14: Oral and genital mucosae
15: Leg ulcers and lymphoedema
16: Sun and skin
17: Tumours
18: Cutaneous reactions to drugs
19: Skin and rheumatology
20: Vasculitis
21: Panniculitis
22: Diabetes and endocrinology
23: Skin and renal disease
24: Skin and gastroenterology
25: Skin and chest diseases
26: Skin and haematology/oncology
27: Skin and neurology
28: Skin and psychiatry
29: Skin in older people
30: Skin and pregnancy
31: Skin in infancy and childhood
32: Skin and genetics
33: Special tools and investigations
34: Medical management
35: Resources
Susan Burge, Honorary Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Oxford, UK, Rubeta Matin, Consultant Dermatologist, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, University of Oxford, UK, and Dinny Wallis, Consultant Rheumatologist, University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Susan Burge has longstanding interests in medical education and medical aspects of dermatology. Clinical interests: paediatric dermatology, psoriasis, rheumatological skin disease including cutaneous vasculitis, and cutaneous graft versus host disease. Previous roles: 1999-2002 Director of Clinical Studies, University of Oxford 2003-2008 Education Subcommittee, British Association of Dermatologists 2006-2007 President, British Association of Dermatologists 2009-2012 President (and founding member), British Society for Medical Dermatology Awards 2003 OBE awarded for Services to Dermatology 2009 Elected to International Honorary Membership of American Dermatological Association in recognition of achievements as leader in dermatology 2013 Lifetime Achievement Award. Awarded by Medical Sciences Division, University of Oxford in recognition of sustained commitment to education.

Rubeta Matin has a clinical interest in skin disease in immunosuppressed individuals, cutaneous oncology, and oral dermatology. Previous additional roles: 2015 Associate Editor (Clinical Trials), British Journal of Dermatology 2012- 2014 Residents Editorial Board for European Journal of Dermatology (1st Trainee representative from the UK) 2011/2012 1st Neil Cox UK Dermatology Clinical Trials Network Specialist Registrar Fellowship (2011/2012) Awards: 2015 'Rising Star' Award in 23rd World Congress Dermatology, Vancouver, Canada 2013 Best Clinicopathological Paper British Association of Dermatologists (BAD) Prize, 93rd Annual BAD Meeting, Liverpool, UK 2012 THESIS (The Skin Investigation Society) Fellowship Award Awarded for best MD/PhD in 2-year period (THESIS/BAD society) 2012 British Society of Investigative Dermatology (BSID) Registrar's Prize for Best Oral Presentation, Annual BSID Meeting, Exeter, UK

Dinny Wallis is a consultant rheumatologist, trained in Severn and Wessex Deaneries. She has a special interest in spondyloarthritis.

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