

Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry - 6th Edition

ISBN: 9780199679850

Autores: David A. Mitchell, Laura Mitchell

Editora: OXFORD

Número de Páginas: 816

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

33,76 €37,51 €
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After more than twenty years of recognition as the indispensable guide for all dental students and practitioners, the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry has been fully revised and updated for its new sixth edition, now better than ever!

The authors have distilled the essentials of clinical practice into a readily accessible style. Concise and practically focused, the handbook balances a pragmatic approach alongside evidence-based clinical knowledge, guidelines and protocols. This handbook is in full colour, with even more images and diagrams to aid understanding. It has been fully updated with sources and further reading, including the most up-to-date e-learning and web resources.

The handbook includes revised chapters on fast-moving areas of dental practice such as therapeutics and anaesthesia, as well as updates on the aetiology and management of cancer, reflecting recent discoveries. New material also includes the impact of bisphosphonates, and new approaches to the management of Class III malocclusions in the growing child. Sections on the differences in healthcare and legal requirements of the UK devolved countries have been added, and all life support protocols have been updated.

This concise and practical distillation of the essential knowledge and skills for dental practice has been highly regarded by dental students and practitioners for over twenty years. Now it is more vital than ever for you to ensure the most up-to-date edition is always close to hand!
David A. Mitchell, Consultant Oral & Maxillofacial/Head & Neck Surgeon, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust; Honorary Tutor to the Faculty of Dental Surgery Royal College of Surgeons of England, UK, and Laura Mitchell, Consultant Orthodontist, Bradford Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust, UK

Laura Mitchell qualified Dundee 1981, trained in North-East England in Paedodontics and Orthodontics. Co-authored first edition of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry in 1989. Joined Bradford Hospitals NHS Trust in 1995 as Clinical Lead and Honorary Senior Lecturer (Leeds University) specialising in cleft lip and palate orthodontics. Author of An Introduction to Orthodontics in 1996. The Board of the Faculty of Dental Surgery RCS from 2003 to 2013 with leadership roles inc. Vice-Dean (2004-6). Secretary to Dental Council Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow 2013 for a term of 3 years. MBE for services to healthcare in 2010. British Orthodontic Society Distinguished Service award in 2012 and Colyer Gold medal by Dental Faculty of RCS England in 2013. Led development of postgrad exams, Chair of the Board of the Diploma in Orthodontic Therapy, Chair of Intercollegiate Speciality Fellowship Chairs Committee and Section Editor Faculty Dental Journal.

David A. Mitchell qualified Dundee 1981 and trained throughout North-East England and Scotland. Co-author of the Oxford Handbook of Clinical Dentistry in 1989. Appointed Consultant Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeon and Lead for Head and Neck Cancer Services, Mid-Yorkshire Hospitals and Honorary Consultant and Senior Lecturer Leeds Teaching Hospitals. First Raven Department of Education Specialist Tutor in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. Specialist in maxillofacial oncological and reconstructive surgery, educator and developer and devisor of multiple specialist and generic courses with emphasis on education and human factors. Author: An Introduction to Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (2006), "Bridging the Gap" course manuals, Intercollegiate Surgical Curriculum Project, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgical Curriculum 2007/2009 and 175 journal publications. Editor of British Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 2014 -2019 and Co-Director of Flap Raising and Microvascular Surgery courses.

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