

Optimal Muscle Training-Paper

ISBN: 9780736081726

Autor: Ken Kinakin


Número de Páginas: 136

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2009

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Have you stopped experiencing increases in strength and mass? Do you equate the bench press with shoulder pain? If so, your body may not be functioning at 100 percent. Optimal Muscle Training is a unique book and DVD package that will show you how to achieve the highest level of function.

The book provides information on how your body develops imbalances, how testing can pinpoint problems, and how specific training to correct imbalances will optimize muscle function. The DVD enhances the information presented in the book with over 100 practical exercises and three levels of muscle testing that you can use in developing an individualized training program.

This fully integrated package allows you to learn the subtleties of muscle testing and exercises. Optimal Muscle Training—with its testing procedures, technical instructions, anatomical considerations, exercise demonstrations, and training guidelines—is one powerful training tool.
Chapter 1: The Anatomy of Optimizing Strength
Chapter 2: Assessing Weight-Training Readiness
Chapter 3: Linking Muscles to Exercise Movement
Chapter 4: Analyzing the Risk-Benefit Ratio of Weight-Training Exercises
Chapter 5: Designing Training Programs for Optimal Strength
Ken Kinakin is a certified strength and conditioning specialist, a chiropractor, and a certified personal trainer. He has competed in bodybuilding and powerlifting for more than 20 years. He regularly lectures across Canada, the United States, and Europe to doctors, therapists, and personal trainers on weight training, rehabilitation, and nutrition. He has lectured at NSCA, was Can-Fit-Pro's Canadian Presenter of the year, and presents regularly for rehabilitation and certification seminars.

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