

New Trends in Advertising Research

ISBN: 9789726184935

Autores: F. Costa Pereira, J. Veríssimo & P. Neijens

Editora: SÍLABO

Número de Páginas: 480

Idioma: Português

Data Edição: 2008

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New Trends in Advertising Research apresenta um vasto espectro de estudos e trabalhos recentes cujo objectivo é evidenciar o modo como funciona a publicidade concedendo especial atenção ao papel da cultura, ao conteúdo da publicidade, às novas tecnologias, e ao modo como as agências de publicidade desenvolvem praticas adequadas para construir campanhas eficientes.

O livro, com 29 capítulos, está dividido em cinco partes. Na primeira parte – Como funciona a publicidade – são apresentados seis estudos que se debruçam sobre as dimensões da concepção das mensagens, a organização das motivações, os benefícios implícitos nos produtos e o modo como as celebridades podem contribuir para o sucesso das mensagens. Na segunda parte – Publicidade e cultura – são apresentados seis estudos que mostram o modo como as culturas e as subculturas podem influenciar a publicidade e os efeitos da publicidade. Na quarta parte – Novas tecnologias da informação e comunicação – são apresentados cinco estudos em novas plataformas de publicidade. A última parte apresenta sete estudos sobre conteúdo e factores de contexto na publicidade.

O livro dirige-se aos profissionais da publicidade e aos estudantes de publicidade e comunicação que queiram estar informados sobre os últimos desenvolvimentos nesta área.
Part 1 - How Advertising Works
Chapter 1
A Dress to Impress and a Toy to Enjoy.
How Consumer Motivations Can Be Used in Luxury Ads

Chapter 2
The Effect of Imply-Benefit Attributes
on Preferences toward Fast Moving Consumer Goods

Chapter 3
The Credibility and Effectiveness of Celebrity Spokespeople
for Social Causes: The Impact of an Experience-Based Connection

Chapter 4
The Relative Role of Impact and Resonance
in Determining the Effectiveness of Radio Advertising

Chapter 5
The Creative Advertising Development Process:
Is Organizational Politics a Recipe for Disaster or a Dysfunctional Antidote?

Part 2 - Product Placement and Sponsorship
Chapter 7
Can Warnings Change the Impact
of Alcohol Messages in Television Series?

Chapter 8
Product Placement in Movies:
Questioning Effectiveness According to Spectators’ Viewing Conditions

Chapter 9
East Meets West in Consumers’ Experiences of Television Programme
Product Placement – Identification, Intertextuality and Reflexivity

Chapter 10
New Soft, Implicit Advertising Formats: Product Placement (PPL)
on 3 Danish TV-Channels – Extent and Audience Perceptions and Attitudes

Chapter 11
A Theoretical Framework for Analysis
of Multiple Sponsorship Effects on Consumer Responses

Part 3 - Advertising & Culture
Chapter 12
Examining Current Advertising Strategies Towards Hispanic Consumers
in the United States: Multicultural And Sociolinguistic Perspectives

Chapter 13
Standardization vs. Differentiation: Cultural Influences
on English-Language and Spanish-Language TV Advertising in the U.S.

Chapter 14
An Analysis of Advertising Appeals Employed
in Japanese and American Print Advertising – Revisited

Chapter 15
Consumer Evaluation of Standardized Advertising:
Responses to Performance Orientation in the U.S., Germany, and Spain

Chapter 16
Marketing Food to Kids in China and the U.S.:
The Influence of Culture on Advertising Content

Chapter 17
Perceived Complexity and Appreciation of Visual Metaphors
by Consumers With Different Cultural Backgrounds

Part 4 - Advertising and New Information
Communication Technologies (ICT)

Chapter 18
On the Evaluation of Mobile Marketing Effectiveness:
An Empirical Study in Finland

Chapter 19
The Effectiveness of Telescopic Ads Delivered
via Interactive, Digital TV: the Impact of the Amount
of Information and the Level of Interactivity on Brand Responses

Chapter 20
Why People Exchange Information in Electronic Media.
An Assessment of the Extended Social Influence Model

Chapter 21
Strong Medicine or Bitter Pill?
The Impact of Online Reviews on Drug Purchase

Chapter 22
Expanding the Borderless Frontier:
International Website Brand Strategies in the New EU Member States

Part 5 - Content and Context in Advertising
Chapter 23
Trends in Cosmetics Advertising in Portugal

Chapter 24
Appeals and Creative Formats
in Portuguese Road Safety Advertising Campaigns

Chapter 25
Ad and Brand Responses to Incongruent Mild Disgust Appeals

Chapter 26
Effects of Nudity in Advertising on Consumers’ Body Esteem

Chapter 27
The Format And Familiarity of Music in Radio Ads:
Impact on Attitudes and Recall

Chapter 28
Mood, Media Experiences and Advertising

Chapter 29
The Impact of Two Way Communication and User Control
in a Television Program on the Embedded Ad and Brand Recall
F. Costa Pereira, J. Veríssimo & P. Neijens


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