

Nematodes as Biological Control Agents

ISBN: 9781845934545

Autores: P S Grewal, D I Shapiro-llan

Editora: CABI

Número de Páginas: 528

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2005

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This book documents and illustrates major developments in the use of nematodes for the biological control of insects and slugs. It covers the use of three main types of nematodes: entomopathogenic nematodes, entomophilic nematodes and slug-parasitic nematodes. The biology, commercial production, formulation and quality control, application technology, strategy and safety of each of these three nematode groups is discussed. The book also examines the application of nematodes in different cropping systems, and the efficacy of nematodes against specific pests. The potential of predatory nematodes to control plant-parasitic nematodes and mycophagous nematodes to control fungal pathogens is also reviewed.

Morphology and Taxonomy of Nematodes Used in Biocontrol , S P Stock, University of Arizona, USA, and D J Hunt, CABI Bioscience, Surrey, UK
Biology and Behavior, C Griffin, National University of Ireland, UK, N Boemare, Université Montpellier II, France, and E E Lewis, Virginia Technology Institute, USA
Mass Production, R-U Ehlers and D I Shapiro-Ilan
Formulation and Quality, P S Grewal, and A Peters, e-nema GmbH, Germany
Application Technology, D J Wright, Imperial College London, UK, A Peters, S Schroer, Christian-Albrechts University Kiel, Germany, and J Patterson Fife, Battelle Memorial Institute, USA
Forum on Safety and Regulation, R-U Ehlers
Lawn, Turfgrass and Pasture Applications, P S Grewal, A M Koppenhöfer, Rutgers University, USA, and H Y Choo, Gyeongsang National University, Republic of Korea
Glasshouse Applications, M Tomalak, Institute of Plant Protection, Poland, S Piggot, Littlehampton, UK and G B Jagdale, Ohio State University, USA
Nursery and Tree Application, R W H M van Tol, Wageningen-UR, Wageningen, The Netherlands and M J Raupp, University of Maryland, USA
Mushroom Applications, S Jess, Department of Agriculture and Rural Development for Northern Ireland, H Schweizer, Queen's University of Belfast, and M Kirkpatrick, NIHPBS Loughgall, County Armagh, UK
Orchard Applications, D I Shapiro-Ilan, L W Duncan, University of Florida, Lake Alfred, USA, L A Lacey, USDA-ARS, Washington, USA and R Han, Guangdong Entomological Institute, Guangzhou, China
Soft Fruit Applications, R S Cowles, Connecticut Agricultural Experiment Station, USA, S Polavarapu, (Deceased), R N Williams, Ohio State University, USA, A Thies, e-nema, France, and R-U Ehlers
Vegetable and Tuber Crop Applications, G Belair, Agriculture and Agrifood Canada, Canada, D J Wright, and G Curto, Servizio Fitosanitario Regione emilia-Romagna, Italy
Cereal, Fiber, Medicinal, and Oilseed Crop Applications, H E Cabanillas, USDA ARS, USA, R J Wright, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, USA and R V Vyas, Gujarat Agricultural University, India
Forestry Applications, P Torr and M J Wilson, University of Aberdeen, UK and S Heritage, Forestry Research, Northern Research Station, Roslin, UK
Applications for the Control of Pests of Humans and Animals, I Glazer, Volcani Center, Israel, M Samish, Kimron Veterinary Institute, Bet-Dagan, Israel, and F G del Pino, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Spain
Application for Social Insect Control, D H Gouge, University of Arizona, USA
A Systems Approach to Conservation of Entomopathogenic Nematodes, M Barbercheck, Pennsylvania State University, USA, and C W Hoy, Ohio State University, USA
Interactions with Plant-parasitic Nematodes, E E Lewis and P S Grewal
Compatibility and Interactions with Agrochemicals and Other Biocontrol Agents, A M Koppenhöfer and P S GrewalPART 3. ENTOMOPHILIC NEMATODES

Application of Beddingia siricidicola for Sirex Wood Wasp Control, R A Bedding, CSIRO, Australia and E T Iede, EMBRAPA Florestas, Brazil
The Entomophilic Thripinema, J E Funderburk and K Sims Latsha, University of Florida, USA
Mermithid Nematodes, E G Platzer, B A Mullens, University of California, Riverside, USA and M M Shamseldean, Cairo University, Egypt
Biology, Production, and Formulation of Slug-parasitic Nematodes, M J Wilson and P S Grewal
Field Application of Slug-parasitic Nematodes, A Ester, Applied Plant Research Ltd, The Netherlands and M J Wilson

Potential of Predatory Nematodes to Control Plant-parasitic Nematodes, A L Bilgrami and C Brey, Rutgers University, USA

Potential of Fungal Feeding Nematodes for the Control of Soil-borne Plant Pathogens, N Ishibashi, Saga University, Japan

Critical Issues and Research Needs for Expanding the Use of Nematodes in Biocontrol, P S Grewal, R-U Ehlers and D I Shapiro-Ilan
P S Grewal, OARDC, Ohio State University, USA, R Ehlers, Christian-Albrechts-University, Germany, D I Shapiro-llan, USDA ARS, Georgia, USA

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