

Medical Biochemistry - 4th Edition

ISBN: 9781455745807

Autores: John W. Baynes, Marek H. Dominiczak


Número de Páginas: 658

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2014

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Brought to you in a thorough yet accessible manner, the new edition of Medical Biochemistry gives access to all of the latest information on basic and clinically focused genetic and molecular biology. Featuring a team of contributors that includes investigators involved in cutting-edge research as well as experienced clinicians, this updated medical textbook offers a unique combination of both research and practice that's ideal for today's problem-based integrated courses.

Key Features
- Relate biochemistry to everyday practice with the help of Clinical - Boxes integrated into the text, and access in-depth coverage of important topics - including recent research in biochemistry - through Advanced Concept Boxes.
- Test your knowledge and improve retention with Active Learning - Boxes at the conclusion of each chapter, and quickly review the most common lab tests performed with convenient Clinical Test Boxes.
- Effectively study the most updated information in biochemistry with the help of a dynamic, full-color design.
- Better understand the relationship between science and clinical practice with material organized by organ rather than system.

New to this Edition
- Quickly review descriptions of difficult concepts with an online glossary available at Student Consult. Additional online components include clinical images, clinical boxes, case studies, online note-taking capabilities, and 150 multiple-choice and USMLE-style questions.
- Gain a thorough understanding of biomarkers and their uses with brand-new information on the subject.
- Access today's most recent research regarding Gene Therapy, Proteomics and Recombinant DNA Techniques, Role of Kidney in Metabolism, and Neurochemistry.
By John Baynes, PhD, Carolina Distinguished Professor Emeritus; Department of Pharmacology, Physiology and Neuroscience; University of South Carolina School of Medicine; Columbia, South Carolina; USA

Marek H. Dominiczak, MD, Dr, Hab, Med, FRCPath, FRCP, (Glas), Hon Professor of Clinical Biochemistry and Medical Humanities; College of Medical, Veterinary and Life Sciences; University of Glasgow; United Kingdom; Docent in Laboratory Medicine; University of Turku, Finland; Consultant Biochemist; Clinical Biochemistry Service; National Health Service (NHS) Greater Glasgow and Clyde; Gartnavel General Hospital; Glasgow; United Kingdom

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