

Materials Selection in Mechanical Design - 4th Edition

ISBN: 9781856176637

Autor: Michael F. Ashby


Número de Páginas: 664

Idioma: Inglês

Data Edição: 2011

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Understanding materials, their properties and behavior is fundamental to engineering design, and a key application of materials science. Written for all students of engineering, materials science and design, this book describes the procedures for material selection in mechanical design in order to ensure that the most suitable materials for a given application are identified from the full range of materials and section shapes available.

Extensively revised for this fourth edition, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design is recognized as one of the leading materials selection texts, and provides a unique and genuinely innovative resource.

Features new to this edition

•Material property charts now in full color throughout

•Significant revisions of chapters on engineering materials, processes and process selection, and selection of material and shape while retaining the book's hallmark structure and subject content

•Fully revised chapters on hybrid materials and materials and the environment

•Appendix on data and information for engineering materials fully updated

•Revised and expanded end-of-chapter exercises and additional worked examples

Materials are introduced through their properties; materials selection charts (also available on line) capture the important features of all materials, allowing rapid retrieval of information and application of selection techniques. Merit indices, combined with charts, allow optimization of the materials selection process. Sources of material property data are reviewed and approaches to their use are given. Material processing and its influence on the design are discussed. New chapters on environmental issues, industrial engineering and materials design are included, as are new worked examples, exercise materials and a separate, online Instructor's Manual. New case studies have been developed to further illustrate procedures and to add to the practical implementation of the text.
Introduction; The design process; Engineering materials and their properties; Material property charts; Materials selection - the basics; Materials selection - case studies; Processes and process selection; Process selection case studies; Multiple constraints and objectives; Case studies - multiple constraints and conflicting objectives; Selection of materials and shape; Selection of materials and shape: case studies; Designing hybrid materials; Hybrid case studies; Information and knowledge sources for design; Materials and the environment; Materials and industrial design; Forces for change; Appendices; Exercises; Index
By Michael F. Ashby, Royal Society Research Professor Emeritus at Cambridge University and Former Visiting Professor of Design at the Royal College of Art, London, UK
Royal Society Research Professor Emeritus at Cambridge University and Former Visiting Professor of Design at the Royal College of Art, London, UK Mike Ashby is sole or lead author of several of Elsevier’s top selling engineering textbooks, including Materials and Design: The Art and Science of Material Selection in Product Design, Materials Selection in Mechanical Design, Materials and the Environment, Engineering Materials 1&2 and Materials: Engineering, Science, Processing and Design. He is also coauthor of the book Nanomaterials, Nanotechnologies and Design.

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